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Lily snorted in disbelief, asking, "why is that an accomplishment?"

"It's a great honour to do something so bad you get sent to see the headmaster," Remus said with glee.

"Right," Lily rolled her eyes.

Harry remembered them having mentioned being sent to Dumbledore's office before, and asked, "why did you guys blow up a school corridor?"

"That was an accident," Sirius said, smiling brightly. "We were trying to set up a trap for a Slytherin, and this Ravenclaw kid came in and blew the whole thing early. If we'd been allowed

to set it up right, it would have just blew the Slytherin's clothes off of him."

"He was okay," Remus said quickly at the looks on both Harry and Lily's faces. "Just had to spend two days in the hospital wing because his clothes wouldn't come off. They fixed up that

hole pretty fast as well."

"I'm sorry you asked Harry," Lily sighed, "I'm much happier not knowing half the things these four came up with."

Harry didn't hear his mom that time, he was too busy chuckling at their antics. James gave his wife a superior grin, like 'ha he takes after me' before reading smugly.

"You've only been to three," James scoffed, "we got sent to all of them by our third year!"

"You sound so proud," Lily snorted.

"I'm agreeing with Harry though," Remus said, "Dumbledore's is the best."

Harry knew if the fear of being thrown out was lingering over him, he'd probably want to go have a look around.

"And that would have been depressing, if I knew it wasn't true," Sirius said brightly.

"What do those do?" Harry asked.

"I've no idea," James said, smiling as he remembered some of those instruments, and having to fight back the urge to go have a poke at them when he'd been up there himself, "we didn't stay

long enough to ask."

"Now that's interesting," Lily said, going a little wide eyed, "I've never known anyone to put the hat on twice."

"You think it'll reshout out a house?" Sirius asked, grinning at his own stupid question.

James read on, curious himself what the hat would say.

"Well he can see inside your head," Lily giggled at the surprised look on Harry's face. "Why's it so surprising he knows what you're thinking, two years after he could do it last time?"

Harry shrugged, even after two years in the magical world, he still wasn't used to talking hats.

"Don't worry Harry," Sirius said bracingly, as Harry did look just a tad upset the Hat still stood by this. "I was supposed to be in Slytherin too, but I never looked back. The hat may place you, but you decide how you are."

Any lingering of looking upset vanished as Harry beamed over at him, causing Lily to restrain herself from making a jab at Sirius having said something both kind and intelligent.

Remus chuckled, and said, "I'd wondered why Harry hadn't mentioned Fawks."

"What is he?" Harry asked nervously, remembering quite well the sickly bird.

"He's a phoenix," Sirius shrugged, like that explained everything.

Seeing Harry's still blank look Remus explained more about the bird's qualities. Harry nodded along happily, then said quickly, "So, the bird's not going to drop dead then? Cause he looks

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