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Sirius couldn't wait for someone in Harry's time to find out about his situation, so he eagerly read on.

Remus blinked, blinked again, and said, "When you say 'outside', I assume you don't mean down on street level, otherwise you wouldn't have just seen him through the window, so..." he trailed off, giving Harry a puzzled look.

Harry sat there, trying to think about it, "They were right outside the window, I was looking him in the face. I think they were floating..." he said slowly.

"Floating?" Sirius asked.

"They?" Lily added.

"Maybe they were riding on brooms," James suggested.

"They?" Lily repeated, then her face brightened and she said, "Did Ron bring his parents?"

Harry puzzled, but this didn't seem right to him, so Sirius just kept reading.

"Brilliant!" All three boys said at once.

"So most likely he did bring his parents," Lily said with full glee now, "since none of them are old enough to drive."

"No," Harry said, rubbing his temple, "there are two others with him, I think they're his brothers." He trailed off, thinking it was stupid he couldn't remember something that was happening right then as they were describing the moment, but if he had his way he wouldn't be struggling to remember any of his past. Like his Dad said, memory charms were tricky.

"Of course!" All four boys said, the three Marauders with glee, Harry with annoyance he hadn't remembered that.

Lily looked rather upset, she'd have rather it had been Ron's parents, but at this point she'd take the stupid Malfoys if it would get Harry out of the Dursleys' house.

"Sadly not," Remus grumbled.

"But he's about to be," Sirius said with glee.

"A crazy house-elf with ulterior motives," James huffed.

"How did he know?" Sirius asked.

"It's about the famous Harry Potter, I'm sure everyone knows," Harry said a little bitterly.

"There's that too," Remus said lightly.

"Wonder what Ron thinks happened?" James asked.

"I never asked." Harry said, "I just told him the truth once I got out of there," then he smiled to himself, pleased he was so sure that he actually did get out of there.

"Nah," Sirius laughed, "his parents probably own that."

"If they actually do leave him there, I'm going to be either heartbroken, or furious," Lily muttered.

"Please," Remus rolled his eyes, "Ron's the best kind of friend there is, he wouldn't leave Harry like that."

"But they can't magic him out either," Sirius argued, a bit worried now himself, he hadn't thought that through.

James snorted, "Come off it, didn't Remus and Peter teach you anything Sirius? Magic isn't the only way to get something done."

An evil grin spread across all three of their faces, and Sirius read on eagerly.

"Crude, but effective," Lily agreed.

"Not surprised those oafs are heavy sleepers, pleased though," James snickered. While he had full confidence in the Weasley brothers getting his son out of there, he didn't really want the complication of Vernon, or anyone else, waking up.

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