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To a comment made by a reader regarding that Remus figured it out and seems a little pompous for not really thinking he was wrong, Harry did confirm not moments after he said it that Remus was right, so he has no reason to think he's wrong.


"Well that chapter wasn't so awful," Sirius said happily, "poor Hermione, but they did learn some new stuff."

"Let's hope that's all Harry learns this year," Lily sighed, "because the last time he figured everything out, he went after it."

"Look on the bright side," Remus shrugged, "if I'm right, then Harry won't be in too much danger from a giant snake."

"What about who's controlling the snake? Or the death eyes!" She exclaimed.

Remus opened, then closed his mouth before saying, "okay, yeah. No snake chasing this year."

"This year?" James asked, but Sirius was no longer listening.

"Which I would hope would make them all realize how ridiculous Harry being the heir is," Remus huffed. "He hangs around with a Muggle Born! Why would he go around attacking them again?"

"Oh I don't know," Sirius shrugged, "I'm sure if three muggles in particular came around he just might set a basilisk on them."

Harry pursed his lips, humour in his eyes at Sirius' joke, but not confirming either way what he would do. Probably not, he mentally reasoned.

Lily wanted to change the subject, so instead asked, "what did Hermione even tell her happened? They didn't use the bit by a dog excuse again did they?"

Harry laughed, but said, "she blamed it on Ron, he was practicing some transfiguration and a spell went wrong with that broken wand. Madam Pomfrey didn't turn him in, thankfully."

"She's usually pretty good about that," Remus chuckled.

"Well that was sweet," James grinned.

"I thought that was my line," Lily smirked at him.

"Hey, I'm not heartless," James defended, "no one wants to be gawked at in the hospital wing."

"Why am I not surprised?" Sirius chuckled. "Most kids would take turning into a cat an excuse to skip homework. She requested it!"

"Hermione could have probably taken a break for the rest of the year and still been good to go," James snickered.

Harry frowned at his dad, wondering why that joke felt off to him.

Sirius opened, then closed his mouth, ignoring the others who were giggling at him mimicking Ron, again. Then he shrugged, feeling rather amused himself.

"Did she still have the tail?" James asked curiously.

"No, that was one of the first things to go," Harry said, pretending to be upset by the fact.

"Aw, does Hermione have another friend around we don't know about?" Lily asked.

"No," Harry smirked, wondering why he had an annoyed feeling about this card.

"Well that was, nice," James began hesitantly.

"Wait for it," Sirius muttered before reading.

Remus wrinkled up his nose in disgust as he said, "so, of the forty or so words that were in that letter, I would say only five of those were actual genuine concern about Hermione. The rest was simply his own big-headed signature."

"Niceness gone," James agreed.

"And she slept with that thing?" Lily asked in disgust. "I can't believe she still hasn't wised up to him."

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