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Before he got started, James turned to Harry and said, "Were all of those chores you had to do the 'bad' thing that happened to you today, or did it have something to do with the person in your


Harry looked puzzled for a moment before saying honestly, "No, the chores were pretty normal, and I don't have a bad feeling about this thing in my room. What's bothering me is that it's not a 'person' like a witch or wizard, but I can't…" he trailed off in frustration, missing the devastated looks from the others when they heard that what had happened on Harry's birthday seemed

positively normal to the boy.

James didn't think he could take much more of his son's honesty without keeling over so he just decided to read.

"Odd," Remus drew the word out.

"Is there any more of a description?" Sirius asked, thinking he might know what it was, but wanting a bit more detail.

"No," James said, having an idea as well, but he kept reading to be sure.

"Is that a house-elf?" Remus blurted out.

Harry frowned, rubbing his temple again, and saying 'Yes' without even realizing he'd done it.

"What on earth is a house-elf doing at your house?" James demanded, "It's obviously not mine."

"You own a house-elf?" Lily yelped, as it certainly didn't live there with them.

"Well, my parents do," he rephrased.

"I never saw it when we went over there," Lily admitted.

"Oh, she's a small little thing, I hardly ever saw her and I lived there," James agreed.

"We're getting off topic," Sirius cut in. "Why is there a house-elf at your house?" He repeated James' earlier question.

Harry just shrugged. "I've no idea what a house-elf even is, let alone why it would be there."

"A house elf is a creature," Sirius said in an odd tone, clearly thinking he was being funny.

Harry frowned and pressed the heel of his hand to his temple, the jolt of pain now familiar, though no less unpleasant.

"That's not funny Sirius." Remus said, smacking his friend lightly. He then proceeded to give Harry a brief description of House-Elves.

Harry nodded along, feeling very grateful that what he was hearing now didn't hurt nearly as much as before, and when he was done James continued reading.

"See, even James calls it a creature!" Sirius said proudly, then ducked when Remus made to hit him again.

Harry really wanted to ask about that joke, but James had already carried on.

Lily still couldn't help but grit her teeth in disgust at this, despite the nice distraction she had in front of her, she couldn't get the image of Petunia swinging a frying pan at Harry out of her mind.

"Must be on his master's orders," James said at once. "Don't suppose the Weasleys' have one?"

"Not that I know of, but who knows?" Sirius said.

"This is getting weirder and weirder," Remus muttered, "who sends a house-elf to send a difficult message? Or any message?"

"I'm still thinking it's from Ron," Sirius piped up, "maybe he realized Harry wasn't getting any mail, and sent Dobby to find out why."

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