Your aura.... annoying

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Later that day

"Alright. Breathe in all the negativity and bad energy. Hold it.... and release through the mouth slowly." The instructor responded.

Guess where I am? Yep. Guided fucking relaxation. I thought my episode would get me out of it too. But noooooo, the instructor postponed it for me. How considerate. Anyway, for once I was actually relaxing and following directions. It was cool. That is until I heard hushed whispers.

"Rainbow. Rainbow. Nova!"

I huffed keeping my eyes closed until I felt breathing on the side of my face.

"Jessie.... move your always in my personal space. Go the fuck over there or something."

I murmured while sitting on my hands to refrain from hitting her.I could really muff the living shit out of her and feel no fucking remorse. She's so fucking annoying.

"Maybe if you actually tried, you wouldn't have to think about it." She sassed.

I popped my eyes open seeing her facing me and smiling in my face. I looked around and it's like security never notices when she's disturbing the peace.Well .... my peace.

"Jessie what the fuck are you talking about." I hissed.

"To hit me, isn't that what you said? I mean try it if you want to. I wouldn't advise it but hey, you don't listen anyway." She responded snidely.

"Advise- Jessie what the fuck are you really saying right now?" I said lowly.

"Well if you spent more time listening instead of sulking in your own pity you'd know huh? Stop looking away from me."

My face was riddled in confusion and shock. That bitch was so spot on that I couldn't even be fucking mad at her flickted ass.

"Jessie.... get the fuck out of my head and leave me alone."

I was about to lay down when I felt a tug on the collar of my shirt. It literally almost ended my life. I gagged causing unwanted attention and grilled the shit out of her. I looked around apologetically before looking at her with wide eyes.

"What the fuck Jessie! The fuck is your problem I should slap the dog shit outta you!"

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head at me like an adult to a wildly behaved toddler. I hated that about her. The fact that she looked down on me like everything I did was uncalled for . She acts like she didn't ask for my reactions herself and act oblivious to the outcome. Bitch.

"I just don't see how you can hate someone you refuse to get acquainted with."


"Nothing rainbow. I forgot you zone out."
I whipped my head in her direction.

"Is there something you wanna fucking say Jessie? I'm sick of you treating me like a fucking joke."

She laughed, this time more humorously. That enraged me so I slammed my fist against the floor and stood up causing the whole room to go silent.

"What. Jessie what!" She looked at me shaking her head.

"Hmm. Shaking my damn head. Just saying nova you can't enjoy the good if your focused on the bad."

"Ugh shut up with the bullshit-5ass positivity and tell me what the fuck your problem really is? You've been fucking with me for weeks so what the fuck is the motive you slithering bitch?"

I yelled with force. I was honestly surprised that no one tried to break up whatever was happening. They do it for everything else.

I watched Jessie contain her emotions and remain still. So still that if you didn't look close enough you would've thought she wasn't breathing. She looked at me, right into my soul. Then boom just like that she had zoned out into another planet.

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