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The wild was a dangerous place.

The three Zoosters slowed down to a stop before proceeding, making sure that Alex nor Ayana followed behind, panting as they walked.

Marty led in front, the sun catching a glimpse of the scrapes Ayana made with her claws.


Alex pushed past a clump of leaves, accidentally clasping his claws on two leaves.

He flashed his head back and forth, then desperately tried to fling the leaves away, as Ayana slowly walked past the swarm of leaves herself.

She watched Alex pant as he clawed a nearby tree, leaving distinct claw marks that ran deep into the wood. After a moment, the lion hits his head against the tree when he rushed to escape.

Ayana rushed over to the lion struggling with his claws, and just before she reached him, Alex tumbled in a downward spiral.

This is gonna hurt, the leopard thought as she peered below her.

At first, was the grass. It didn't hurt much, just the fact they were plummeting onto it was a reason enough to say ow.

Then, the rocks. Ayana used her claws to scour through the sharp, and jagged edges that pricked her feet and stabbed her best friend in the back.

After that, the flowers. The lovely field of pink and white made a soft landing for the pair. Ayana rolled on her side as Alex sighed every time the grace of the flowers caresses his fur.

Finally, the cacti. Immediate screams were heard when the feline pair even made contact with the prickly, jagged spikes of the green plants.

Alex, who stood in an awkward position due to the cactus on his back, waits up for the female that was pulling out the small needles from her skin.

"You, ok?"

The lion swerves around in an attempt to get the caucus off his back.

Then, he plunged down the cliff with Ayana following suit, landing in the water below. Thankfully, the cactus on Alex's back made him glide smoothly down the stream. Ayana latched her arms around Alex's middle, hanging on as water doused her a good portion of her fur.

The pair didn't even notice the sign, mostly because it was turned to face the other direction, that had the words, "TURN BACK!" and "Predator Side 3 Miles", written on it with a hand sign pointing to the right in the right direction.

(A-ha! See what I did there?!)

Of course, it didn't say anything about the large waterfall.

Both of them screamed their hearts out falling from such a height.

Later, Alex finally got the cactus off. He and Ayana moped off past a sign that read FOOSA TERRITORY 1 MILE, with a little triangle pointing in the direction and another sign underneath that read BEWARE FOOSA, with a painted drawing of what a fossa would look like.

The fossa immediately saw them and poked their heads from behind the rock where the cactus lied, and various bushes.


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