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"Why do we have to close our eyes?"

"Do it."

"Yeah. They're closed."

"We won't open them."


"Yes, sir."

"No peeking."

"Alright. They're closed."

"Just get it over with."


Rico chops a fish into sushi and gave two to Skipper.


"Open that hatch."

The pair obeyed, allowing Skipper to place the fish in their mouths. "Fire in the hole." He closes their mouths.

"Now chew. Chew like you mean it. Savor it." Skipper ordered them as they hummed with each with every chew.

They opened their eyes to the lemurs, penguins, and the rest of the Zoosters. They awaited the answer of the lion and leopard.



"Pretty good, right?"

"There's always Plan B." Julien illustrated, putting Mort in their faces, who giggled cutely.

"No need." Ayana declined. "This is the best thing I've ate."

"This is better than steak! I love it. I love it!" Alex declared.

"The kitties love the fishy." Skipper announced, causing the lemurs to cheer and him and his teammates to high-one one another.

"Well, I propose a toast. Now, he may be a pain in the butt at times and she may be a strain on my neck... And trust me, I know." Marty points to the bandages on his neck and the bandage where Alex bit him. "But these cars proved to me without a doubt that their hearts are bigger than their stomachs. To Alex and Ayana."

"To Alex and Ayana!"

Everyone takes a sip of seawater, tasting it once and spitting it everywhere. King Julien decides on Maurice, to which he spits back. The whole charade went back and forth the ring-tail had enough.

"Enough! Stop it!" He commanded.

"Well, what do you guys think? Should we head back to New York?" Marty asked.

"I don't know, Marty. I mean, this is your dream. You sure you want to leave?" Alex pondered.

"Yeah, we didn't float across the ocean and end up hear for nothing, Martimer," Ayana added, crossing her arms.

"I don't care where we are. As long as we're together, it doesn't matter to me." Marty answered with a smile.

"Well, in that case... Yo. Rico. Ayana and I'll take 600 orders to go." Alex requested to the chef penguin.

"Hai." Rick nodded.

"Yes, yes. But before you guys leave, I have an announcement to make. So shut up, everyone, please." Julien says, having the lemurs calm down before he takes off his crown. "Thank you. After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home. And to make you feel good, I'm gonna give you this lovely parting gift."

"No, I couldn't. Really, I can't take your crown." Alex replied.

"That's OK, I've got a bigger crown. It's got a gecko on it. Look at him shake. Go, Stevie, go!" Julien cheered while the gecko squeaked. Out of nowhere, he pulls out another wooden crown with dark red leaves. "Also, I heard you two were the king and queen of beasts, so here's another for her."

"Oh, wow thank you, Julien." Ayana lets out a giggle.

"Your very welcome."

The Zoosters boarded the ship and waved the lemurs goodbye.

"Bye, little fuzzbuckets!" Alex waved.

"Thanks for everything!" Gloria added.

"Bye!" Marty shouts.

"See ya!" Ayana waved.

"Okay, bye-bye, now." Julien waved back.

"Arrivederci," Marty tells them.

"Bye-bye." King Julien restated.

"Toodle-oo!" Maurice shouted.

"Bye! Goodbye!" Mort called out.

"See you later, crocodile. Maurice, my arm is tired. Wave it for me." The aye-aye lemur obeyed the ring-tail and waved his arm.

"Faster, you naughty little monkey!"

Maurice reluctantly obliged.

"You know, by the time we get to New York, it’s gonna be the middle of winter. So I was just thinking, why rush? Maybe we could make a few side stops along the way?" Alex suggested.

"Maybe Paris."

"You just read my mind." Gloria cheered.

"I was thinking Spain," Alex recommended.

"Yeah. Run with the bulls." Marty summed up.

"What about Fiji?" Gloria inquires.

"I don't man, maybe Rome?" Ayana implores.

"Canada. Can we?" Melman suggested, making everyone go silent, staring at the long-necked animal. "Cheap meds. Eh?"

"You know, I wouldn't even mind coming back here sometime." Alex opened.

"Yeah, I could do that." Melman agreed.

"Definitely." Ayana nodded.

"You could say that again," Gloria says as they continued waving at the small creatures on the beach.

Meanwhile, the penguins sunbathed on the beach, their white skin cooking into a reddish hue.

Private pauses his sunbathing to look at the Zoosters in the boat.

"Skipper. Shouldn't we tell them that the boat is out of gas?"

"Nah! Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave."

The four penguins glanced at the boat and they did just that.

(This is literally the first story I've ever finished! I've never been so accomplished in this app my entire life! The next chapter is the ending credits, and it shouldn't take that long! Also, Happy New Years!)

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