Unhappy Reunion

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The two large cats drifted through the great ocean for hours, the wooden box swaying in the currents. There was little daylight in the gloomy skies. But that turned into nightfall. The black and blue colors enclosing them with the moon for their single source of light. They stayed there, curled in one another's arms, shivering with cold and fear.

Alex was half-asleep as he trembled in Ayana's arms, a half-asleep with a crinkle forming in the middle of his eyebrows.

The leopard had no difficulties with the lion leaning on her, even if she was a few feet shorter than him, she was strong.

She sighed, ears lowering down to her skull. Ayana continued to hold the lion close while trying desperately to keep them both warm.

It was surprising that they could be with each other for long and not argue, or separate to each corner for the box.

Alex's extroverted nature quite contrasted with Ayana's introverted nature. Sometimes Ayana thought their friendship with Alex was just an inconvenience, that she suddenly was put in the way of his life. Alex enjoyed being with people and performing for large crowds. The moment Ayana was put into the spotlight, she would back out. Their thoughts about life were nothing alike. Ironically, they were thinking about the same thing.

Neither of them could wrap their heads around the thought: their friends were gone. Abandoned, alone, and terrified. Ayana couldn't just give up. Not yet. Surely, Alex wouldn't count on her for motivation, right? Still, she would just keep pushing forward, and stay with him till the end of it. She began repeating the same words over and over to cheer them up.

"Hold on just a little while longer, everything will be alright."

Ayana sang these words quietly, only wanting Alex to hear them despite them being alone. The patch of words managed to soothe him, so she continued doing so.

"Everything will be alright..."

Suddenly, there was a lump. Then a jolt. The two felines jerked upright at the abrupt movement, perplexed. Then the crate veered and started to tumble, the captives within sprawling and yelping in surprise within the tight confines. Water splashed through the open roof, smudging them in a layer of saltwater. The tumbling picked up the pace and fast, rolling and rolling until ultimately coming to an exact, jarring stop. The two sprang out like fireworks, and they slammed into solid ground and skidded through a grainy surface.

They pulled themselves apart and stood to their feet unevenly. Ayana rubbed the crusty substance from her eyes as Alex coughed up a mouthful of it, brushing it from his tongue frantically.

Once her vision cleared, Ayana glanced at the new location. Large trees, vegetation, sand...


Trees?! Vegetation?! Sand?!

Land! They're on land!

Ayana gasped.

Alex yelped as he too acknowledged where they were now. Towering palm trees reached for the skies, their ample leaves gently swirling in the salt-riddled draft. The sand of the beach burrowed their feet to their ankles and squished through their toes. Waves slammed onto shore in white foam and washed away just as quickly. Land. They had found land.

Ayana had grabbed his shoulders and shook him happily, letting out an airy chuckle. However, her friend didn't return the expression.

"Marty?" Alex said thickly, sand-sprinkled tongue hanging out of his mouth and the other feline releasing her grip. "Melman? Gloria?" He retracted his tongue and continued to scan their current surroundings.

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