Camping trip

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Caregiver : Hyunjin
Little : Seungmin


The members were all excited today. They had a weekend to relax and they had chosen to go camping! Everyone was running everywhere in the dorm, looking for the last stuff needed for the trip. Making sure they didn't forget anything. Seungmin had woken up already into his little head space as he was so excited for their trip. He hadn't been able to rest and slip for a long time now since they were always practicing all day long. He was happy he could take the weekend to fully relax and be little. When the group had finally packed all their stuff, they were ready to leave for a well deserved break. Hopping into the car, they all buckled their seat belts and the vehicul started.

The ride to go there was kind of long, almost two hours and for little Seungmin, it was the most boring thing. He had tried to sleep like Hyunjin had told him to, but he was too excited and couldn't keep his eyes close for more than three minutes. Seungmin let out a loud sigh in annoyance and Hyunjin put his hand on his baby's head to calm him down, stroking his hair. To the little's delight, they finally made it to the camp. He happily giggled and started swinging his legs back and forth, waiting for his caregiver to get him out of the car as he had fell deeper into little space. Hyunjin cooed at his baby and took him up in his arms, trying to help the others with all the stuff at the same time. By the time they finished installing the tents, Seungmin had fallen asleep on Hyunjin's shoulder. The day was coming to an end already and tommorow they had a big day planned. They had all agreed on going hiking. There was four tents so they had to sleep in pairs and once everyone had settled into their respective one, Hyunjin watched his little softly breath, already deep into sleep. He smiled and closed his eyes, drifting off pretty quickly.

The morning sun woke up Seungmin the next day. He shuffled into his slipping bag, trying to block the light and possibly be able to sleep a bit more, but it was no use. He looked around and beside him, he saw a sleeping prince. He smiled at the thought and observed his boyfriend's features a little more. He didn't want to wake him up, but he felt himself already starting to get bored. He turned his head again and found his plushie not far away from him. Taking it, he played with it for some time, but the boredum came back quickly so he finally decided to wake his caregiver up. Slowly approaching the latter, Seungmin put a hand on his shoulder and started shaking him slightly.


He whispered.

"Dada, Minnie bowred"

Hyunjin shifted in his sleeping bag, but his eyes remained closed.


Seungmin tried again, louder. A hummed was heard from Hyunjin as he finally opened his eyes, looking at his baby.

"What is it angel?"

He asked soflty.

"I bored"

"Did you try going back to sleep baby? It looks pretty early and you need to be in great form for today"

Hyunjin tried, but only got a whine in response.

"Minnie triwed but can't"

Now almost fully awake, the caregiver lifted himself up into a sitting position.

"Does Minnie want to try sleeping in dada's arms?"

Seungmin immediately nodded and slipped himself into his dada's sleeping bag. They both layed down again, the little pressed onto Hyunjin's chest, the latter holding him tightly. Fortunately, the couple soon drifted back to sleep, but sadly only to be woken up about thirty minutes later. Once everyone was up, the eight boys then started to get ready for the day. They had packed sandwiches and water bottles and Hyunjin didn't forget to bring a first aid kit, just in case. Finally, they were ready to leave and everyone was excited and cheerful. Seungmin more than everyone because of his little state of mind. Jeongin was happy when Minnie was little because he felt like he had a younger brother and really liked to take care of him. Along with Jisung and Felix, the maknae made Seungmin laugh and jump around, making him even more frantic then he already was. Seeing the energetic youngers, Chan decided they could take a longer road than the one they first intended to take. They had originally picked a three miles road, but they changed for a five miles one. They thought it would be alright, as they'd packed enough supply and left the camp early. They would be back by the end of the afternoon, before dinner time.

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