Dada, It's Scawy

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Caregiver : Changbin
Little : Jeongin



Happy Halloween everyone!!


3rd POV

The boys were all highly excited for their Halloween night. They planned on going to a little costumed party organized by JYP for his artists. They each prepared a costume and couldn't wait to show each others and the other groups who'll be at the party as well.

While the majority of the members were running everywhere, trying to get their things ready, Jeongin was sitting on his bed, feeling his head spin a little. He groaned, holding his boiling skull in his hands. He couldn't believe he was not feeling well today, he really wanted to go to that party, but now he was thinking it might be a better idea if he stayed at the dorm and rested instead. He groaned again before getting up, making his way to the commun area. When he entered, some looks were thrown at him.

"Why aren't you dressed?"

Hyunjin asked in slight panic. The youngest shook his head.

"I'm not feeling well, I think I'll stay here, but you guys have fun"

Multiple disappointed noises and whispers were heard after Jeongin's statement. Chan approached the latter and placed the back of his hand on the younger's forehead, frowning a little.

"Yeah, you're a bit hot, it's better you rest here, but do you want one of us to stay with you?"

Jeongin quickly shook his head.

"No it's fine, I know you're all excited for tonight, I dont want to ruin it for one of you"

"But what if you slip? It's not rare you do when you're sick"

Minho protested. They all knew Jeongin was a little and were even more protective of him ever since they did.

"No no, don't worry, I'm not feeling little right now and I'll only go straight to bed when you guys leave, it should be fine"

The two oldest didn't seem very convinced but didn't push it further, wanting to trust the younger's judgment. With that, Jeongin wished them a good night and went back to his room, letting the others get ready as he himself prepared for a well-deserved nap. When he heard the front door close behind his loud members, he finally allowed himself to close his eyes. He soon fell into a deep slumber.

When he woke up, his headache was finally gone, head no longer spinning, but he also had slipped some time during the nap. At first, the little didn't really process where he was and as the room was quite dark, he whimpered softly. Looking around frantically, he finally recognize his room and quickly got off his bed to get his favorite plushie from his closet. The darkness was scaring him and the silence hanging in the dorm didn't help. Trying to be brave, and hopefully find one of his hyungs, Jeongin slowly approached the door to open it. He exited the bedroom and made his way to the living room, but everything was so dark and he started to get scared. The first tears escaped his eyes when he entered the living room and found no one in.


He whispered shakily. The vocalist looked around and jumped as he saw a figure in the corner of the room. He couldn't hold back any longer and let quiet sobs out.


He cried, but nobody answered nor came to him. At this point, the little was trembling and his palms were sweaty as he tried to grip tighter onto his plushie.

"Dada I scawed"

Sobbing harder, he let himself fall on the floor before holding his knees up his chest. The sound of the door's lock echoed through the small room and Jeongin yelp, immediately trying to reduce his cries to try and stay quiet. Hopefully, this way, no bad guy would find him. After some fideling, the front door opened and the little heard someone enter. The person moved forward into the living room and soon enough, lights were on, the darkness long gone. Jeongin was still shaking and didn't dare look up at whoever was there.


A voice asked and the little finally glanced up, breaking into another fit of sobs when he saw who it was.

"Dada, it's scawy!"

Changbin jogged to him and carefully pulled him up to his chest, quickly rocking the younger back and forth.

"Hey it's okay, dada's here, what were you scared about, sweetheart?"

Jeongin progressively stopped crying, now only hiccuping and sniffling.

"Was dawk"

He pouted and then pointed behind Changbin.

"And bad guy"

The rapper frowned, looking behind him and finding nothing.

"What bad guy, honey?"

As he asked the question he realised what Jeongin was pointing at. The lamp in the corner of the room had quite a weird shape and it most likely looked like a human silouhette when the lights were out.

"Oh, it's just a lamp baby, I promise it won't hurt you"

The little nodded slightly, it was easier to feel safe now that he was in his dada's arms.



Well... Almost didn't finish this one in time since I procrastinated so much, but I wanted to do something special for Halloween so here it is. It's a little short but I hope you still enjoyed it :>

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