Day 2 : Tiny

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Caregiver : Felix
Little : Jisung


Today was a sunny day and Felix had the great idea of taking his little Jisung for a trip at the park. The caregiver let Jisung play around as he watched him from afar, sitting on a nearby bench.

The little soon found himself sitting on the grass beneath a tree. He giggled as a ladybug landed on his thigh. Jisung inspected it, fascinated. He brought his hand closer to it, trying to get the insect to climb onto his finger. As it did, he gasped softly. He looked at it for some more time before putting it on top of a pretty flower.

Little Jisung always had a certain fascination for tiny things. He could stare at small objects or animals for the longest time and it would always calm him down when he was anxious.

When Felix became his caregiver, Jisung couldn't help but play with his fingers and stare at his hands. They were just so small.

Jisung played a bit more, making castles with leaves and pieces of grass. The afternoon passed in a flash and the sun was already starting to set. The whole time though, the ladybug Jisung had helped climb in a flower, stayed right beside him. When Jisung realised he clapped his hands in delight.

"Okay angel, ready to go?"

Felix approached the little, squatting down next to him. Jisung looked up at him with sparkling eyes.

"Wook dada, wadybug !"

He pointed at the tiny ladybug excitedly.

"Oh would you look at that! It's so cute, baby"

Felix exclaimed happily, smiling fondly at his little. Jisung nodded in agreement.

"Yes! And Sungie putted it on the fwower!"

He proudly said.

"How sweet of you, love"

His caregiver answered, a grin resting on his freckled face. He extanded his hand for Jisung to take. The little's expression lightened further. He carefully took his caregiver's hand between his own two palms.


He whispered in delight. Felix giggled at that.

"Yes, angel, I have small hands. Now come on, we better get home before it gets too dark"

Felix then took both of his little's hands and kissed them.

"You have small and cute hands too, baby boy"

Jisung laughed and stood up to follow Felix out of the park they were in.

On the way home, Jisung found a tiny rock he took up as a pet, making Felix chuckle fondly. They also found a small white flower and Felix placed it into Jisung's hair.

When they got to the dorm, Jisung excitedly ran to Chan, showing off his rock and describing the ladybug he'd seen. The leader smiled softly at the stories, making interested noises every now and then.

"Looks like you had a good time at the park, Ji!"

He said once the little was done talking. Jisung grinned, nodding. Felix shared a look with Chan, the caregiver's smile making his eyes looking like moon crescents.

"Okay honey, it's time for me to go. You'll be good for Channie hyung, okay?"

Jisung turned around quickly, looking at Felix with big eyes. The latter was still smiling gently at him, but Jisung's head was suddenly going a mile a minute. He shook his head, frowning.

"No, dada"

His eyes filled with tears and he quickly made himself the smallest he could, squatting down on the floor.

"Oh no, love. We went over this, I need to go to my own dorm, but hyungie will take good care of you, I promise"

He pat down his hair, shushing the anxious little.

"And we will see each other again tomorrow morning, yeah?"

Jisung shook his head again, against Felix's shoulder. When Felix saw his little wasn't calming down, he took his face into his hands.

"Look at me, my love. How about I tuck you into bed before I go?"

Jisung sniffled, but nodded weakly. When they stood up, Jisung immediately went to grab one of his caregiver's hand, looking at the small fingers.

In the bedroom, Felix chose a nice pajama for Jisung. Once all dressed up, the little buried himself into the covers of his bed, looking expectantly at Felix.

"Okay, all ready, little one?"

Jisung wiggled around in his bed until he was laying down on it. He smiled at his caregiver and nodded.

"I weady"

He murmured, sleepy eyes already on the verge of closing up. Felix joined him by his bed, patting down the little's hair.

"Good, now close your eyes and have some sweet dreams, we'll see each other tomorrow"

Felix whispered to him, but Jisung whined then, opening his eyes quickly.


He grabbed Felix's sleeve, keeping his caregiver near. Felix tried to find a good reason to leave, but failed to do so, finally smiling at his little.

"Okay, angel, I'll sleep with you tonight, how does that sound?"

Jisung's grin seemed to shine into the barely lit room.

"Yes pwease"

Felix kissed his forehead and hurried to get ready for bed. He then joined the little into bed, making sure the latter was well covered and warm enough.

Jisung was already half asleep, but had kept himself awake enough just so he could hold his caregiver's small hands. Felix giggled and let him do what he wanted.

"Goodnight, my baby"

He whispered to him, leaving a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"Night night"

The little answered tiredly.

The next morning, Felix could agree that waking up next to his little's cute face was more than worth it.

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