In the closet

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Caregiver : Jisung (+skz)
Little : Minho




A little baby was running everywhere around the dorm, the rest of the members chasing after him. Minho had woken up in little space and as it was Stray kids' day off, the group had decided to play with him. The little giggled while the members were chasing him around the dorm to tickle him. He let out small gasps when one of them got closer and immediately ran the other way. The game lasted a bit before Minho was finally too tired to continue. They then all sat in the living room and some drew with the dancer, while others simply looked at the scene. Suddenly, Minho shot his head up and a big smiled appeared on his face.

"Wanna pway hide and seek!"

He exclaimed excitedly. The group laughed at the sudden suggestion but agreed nonetheless.

"You want to look for us baby?"

Not wasting anytime, Minho quickly shook his head yes and covered his eyes with his hands.

"Wone, two, tree"

He started counting and the other boys tried to find hiding spots fast. Not hiding perfectly so it was easier for the little to find them.

"Tweny, I'm comin"

Minho said before uncovering his eyes and looking around a bit. With no one in sight he stood up and started to look around, behind the couch, under the table, but only when he stepped into the kitchen he saw a figure hiding in a small spot between the fridge and a cabinet. He giggled and pointed his finger.

"I found you!"

He jumped around, thrilled by his finding skills. Felix got out of the hiding place and smiled at his hyung.

"Oh no Minnie found me"

He said, laughing along with the little. Then Minho took his hand and the Australian followed him through the dorm to find the others. After finding everyone, Minho clapped his hand together.

"Lixie count!"

He loudly said. Felix agreed and started to count, his eyes closed. Minho saw everyone going to hide and started to panic as he had no idea where to go. Quickly, he made his way into his room, frantically looking around. Then his eyes widen when he had an idea. He ran to the closet and as he heard Felix count to twenty, he closed the door shot behind him. At first, he was taken aback by the darkness of the place, but after his vision got used to it, he started to realize how tiny the space he had was. Slight anxiousness grew in him. Although, he liked to win, this was a bit to much for him and he tried to open the door, but after some struggle, the door still wouldn't budge. Now he was full on panicking, his breathing getting quicker. A whimper left his mouth as he tried again to move the door, without success. Hyperventilating, he let out loud sobs.


He screamed. He continued to cry until he heard someone close to his hiding spot.

"Minnie? Are you okay?"

It was Felix' deep voice that asked. Minho only cried harder.

"Where are you sweetie?"

Minho calmed himself enough to answer the question.

"In closet"

He said quietly, luckily, Felix heard and made his way to the said closet. When he pulled the door for it to open, it wouldn't move. The Australian started to understand the situation and he bend down to where he thought Minho would be on the other side.

"Okay calm down Minnie, Lixie will go get the others and we will open the door, but for now it is stuck, you need to breath Min"

Felix calmly explained, hoping to stop the little from hyperventilating too much. Minho sobbed some more, trying to do as he was told and took some deep breaths.

"Good boy, now wait here a bit, I'll go get the others"

Minho whined, but let Felix go as he desperately wanted his dada. Everyone got into the room not long after, urging themselves towards the closet.

"Baby are you okay?"

Minho cried again when he heard his dada's voice.

"Dada, Minnie wanna get ouwt"

Jisung took a deep breath as he felt his little panicked state.

"I know angel, we're going to try and open the door"

He let place to Chan and Changbin, who seemed ready to break the door if necessary. After some real struggle, grunting and quiet curses. The door finally swung open, revealing a red faced with puffy eyes Minho. The little immediately came running into his caregiver's arms. Jisung took him up and held him close.

"Ssh, it's okay now, it's okay"

He whispered in Minho's ear. The others sighed in relief and patted Jisung on the shoulder or back, before exiting the room, leaving the two alone. They sat on the bed, Minho still curled up in Jisung's arms, the latter humming softly. He rocked them back and forth slightly.

"How about we go watch a movie? How does that sound baby?"

The caregiver asked softly. He felt Minho nod and smiled, taking him up again and going into the living room. The rest of the members looked at them in worry.

"He's okay, we're going to watch a movie"

They all nodded and made place on the couch for the couple to sit.

"Do you want popcorn sweetie?"

Chan asked, already making his way to the kitchen. Minho silently agreed and the leader looked for the snack in a cabinet. Fortunately, the day ended well with Minho not wanting to leave Jisung's side and everyone watching some Disney movies and eating popcorn. The little almost completely forgot about the scary situation from earlier.



Do you guys have any cute names idea? I always use baby and angel since they come naturally to me, but I can never think of others...

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