Day 12 : Santa's Coming

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Caregivers : Hyunjin, Seungmin, Chan, Felix
Littles : Minho, Changbin, Jisung, Jeongin


The littles giggled to themselves as they padded quietly through the dorm. They were extremely excited for Christmas the next morning.

They had begged and begged their caregivers but their answer was strict, the littles couldn't stay up and wait for Santa.

The four of them couldn't just stay into bed though, it was their chance to see the Christmas magic in action. They wanted to catch a glimpse of the reindeers and hopefully Santa too.

They crossed the dorm to the living room as quietly as possible. The only light in the home was created by the Christmas tree's colored lights.

On the coffee table, two cookies on a plate and a glass of milk had been set before the little's bed time. Everything was in the places they'd left them. Santa hadn't come yet, but the littles knew they had to wait until midnight.

The clock on the wall read 10:23 pm. Minho helped his brothers settle on the couch with blankets and pillows.

"Now we wait"

He explained as the others looked at him excitedly. The four of them let a comfortable silence surround them as they looked out the window where a soft snow was falling.

After a few minutes, Jisung sighed and pulled onto Minho's sleeve.

"Is long, Santa here now?"

The little wondered, black irises glowing with the lights shining through the room. Minho glanced once more at the clock, calculating the time again and shook his head.

"Sorry Sungie, no yet, a little more"

He excused, showing Jisung a small gap between his index finger and his thumb for his younger brother to understand how much more time they needed to wait.

Jisung nodded, pouting a little.

"Tired Hannie?"

Changbin murmured to him. Jisung nodded sadly at him and Changbin immediately presented his shoulder, puffing out his chest a bit.

"You can rest on me"

He said proudly, tapping slightly on his shoulder to prompt Jisung. Jisung smiled at him and laid his head onto the older's shoulder.

"We wake you up when Santa come"

Minho assured him. In a swift movement, the latter bent forward to take a look at their smallest little. As much as he'd wanted to stay up with his brothers, Jeongin was already deeply asleep, head resting on the arm of the couch.

Minho smiled fondly at him, thinking Changbin and he could just wake the two up when the time came.

What they hadn't planned though, was for all of them to fall asleep with no one to stay on the lookout.

Minho was woken up slightly by the sound of bells ringing, but was way too tired to open his eyes and fell right back to sleep.

When the four woke up, the sun had long since risen. They were still all wrapped tightly into warm blankets, entangled with each other.

Changbin gasped when he opened his eyes and in front of them, under the tree, a hoard of presents were disposed.

He turned to look at his brothers and shook them up when he realized they were still sleeping.

"Is Chwistmas, wake up!"

He yelled happily. The remaining three slowly but surely started to open their eyes, face lighting up when they saw the gifts.

Their caregivers took this moment to make an appearance into the room.

"Merry Christmas, cuties!"

Felix exclaimed with a grin. Changbin, Jisung and Jeongin ran to the tree, already looking for their own presents with the help of their caregivers.

Minho sat back a little, staring at the coffee table. The cookies had been eaten, only crumbs left, and the milk drank.

They'd missed Santa.

He pouted deeply, feeling disappointed. Hyunjin approached his little with a smile which quickly transformed into a frown when he noticed Minho's expression.

"What is it, angel?"

He wondered, taking a seat next to Minho in the couch. Minho only shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. He feigned it was nothing, but Hyunjin could see the glossy eyes the little harbored.

Hyunjin picked the little up to place him onto his lap, rocking them from side to side slowly.

"What's happened, sweet thing? Can you tell dada?"

Minho pouted deeply before hiding his face into Hyunjin's chest.

"Missed Santa"

The little sniffled.

"Oh, angel"

Hyunjin sympathized, feeling sad for his little who should only be feeling happy on Christmas morning. Then, he remembered something.

"You can't see Santa this year, but I did see something outside earlier"

He whispered, like a secret. Minho stood up straight, sending a curious glance at Hyunjin.

"Want to see?"

Hyunjin smiled fondly when the little nodded eagerly. He made them stand up from the couch and took the little's hand into his.

"Babies, come see something with us for a moment, I think you'll like it"

The caregiver exclaimed to the littles fussing over their new things. The other caregivers sent him knowing glances, prompting each of the littles to come and see.

Hyunjin lead them to the entrance of the dorm, suggesting they all dressed up to go outside.

Changbin and Jisung whined, but stopped and let their caregivers dress them at the promise of a great surprise.

When all four littles were tucked into coats, scarves and hats, everyone exited the dorm.

To Minho's surprise, they didn't use the elevator to go down towards the exit of the building, they actually went up. He squeezed his caregiver's hand and Hyunjin squeezed right back in reassurance.

Then they crossed a hallway of apartment doors before finally stopping in front of a metal ladder.

The caregivers each helped their littles go up the ladder and onto the roof of the building.

When it was Minho's turn, he anxiously let Hyunjin hold him up securely so he could join the others. Hyunjin following right behind them.

Minho gasped in amazement when he set eyes onto a colorful and lightened up sleigh. A huge one at that, it was impressive.

"Santa must've taken another way home"

Hyunjin explained to him with a big smile. The littles yelled excitedly, running around it and observing it.

"You didn't get to see Santa, but maybe he left this here to cheer you up"

Chan said, beaming.

"Santa go home wif reindeer?"

Jeongin asked his caregiver beside him. Felix smiled and nodded.

"Yes, he definitely went back home on the back of a reindeer!"

Jeongin stared in awe.

Minho turned back to Hyunjin with stars in his eyes.

"Next year, I definitely see Santa, okay?"

Hyunjin laughed and nodded at his little's conviction.

"Sure, honey, next year you can try again"

And even if the big sleigh was only a well chosen Christmas decoration, it didn't change the magic everyone felt when they all grew closer to it. It woke up everyone's child's heart, even the caregivers'.


a/n : Christmas is in two days!!!

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