So,, what now ?

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Shuichi stared into her eyes once again. "You don't get how long I waited to do that.... " he muttered. Kaede let out an soft giggle. "Same here.. " she said softly. Shuichi looked shocked. "R - really ? " he smiled,, tilting his head again. Kaede nodded. "Mhm ! " she smiled playfully. Shuichi smiled then quickly had hugged her. Kaede laughed slightly then kissed his forehead. Shuichi rolled his eyes playfully then someone had walked into the room. "Kaede ! " Kaedes mother had smiled. Shuichi quickly had backed up from Kaede,, his hands going behind his back. He had quickly smiled out of nervousness. Kaede chuckled then waved. "Afternoon ! " she smiled. Kaedes father had raised an eyebrow at shuichi which Kaede had seen then groaned. "Who is he ? " he had asked,, putting his hand on his hip. "Father - this is Shuichi Saihara,, the ultimate detective ! " she said in her normal up beat tone. Shuichi bit down onto his bottom lip then over at Kaede then her parents. "What are you guys even doing here ? " she asked with an confused tone. "Ah ! We're aloud to visit today " she said with a small smile. "Ohhh " she chuckled rubbing the back of her neck with her palm. "Anyway,, I'm Haru Akamatsu " he said to shuichi. "O - oh,, it's a pleasure to meet you.. " he smiled softly,, his hands behind his back still. "I'm Mei Akamatsu " she smiled at shuichi. "Also a pleasure to meet you as well Mrs. Akamatsu " he smiled softly. Kaede sighed with a smile. "Well then you've three have met each other now - " she said before hearing someone. "Shuichi ! " said a male looking like he was at least in his 40s or 30s. Shuichi jumped. "Ah,, I'll be right back - " he said after running out of the room. "Uncle Kane ! " he said with a smile on his face. Kaede heard laughter from the two males before she had been granted into a hug by her parents. "We missed you.. " Mei said kissing the top of Kaedes head which made her giggle. "I love you too mama " she smiled. "And you as well papa " she joked booping his nose. Haru smirked playfully. "Yeah,, you better you " he joked. Soon enough it was dinner time. Family was still there seeing how they would be staying for supper. Shuichi was in the library. Kaito was actually really close with Shuichis Uncle Kane. Soon Kaito had came into the library. "SHUICHI - CAN YOUR UNLCE LIKE - ADOPT ME ? " He had asked out of nowhere causing the book that Shuichi had in his hand go into the air. Kaito stood there with a bright smile on his face. Kane had put his hand on Kaitos shoulder. "Sure,, I wouldn't mind having two kids in my house " he smiled. Kaito looked shocked. "Wait really ? " he smiled. Kane had nodded. "Yeah ! What's one more teenager ! " he chuckled. "Uncle you only have me in the hou - " Shuichi had been caught off of those two acting like children they had walked off with each other,, you could just see the stars in Kaitos eyes. Shuichi smiled then let out a huff. "My my " he hummed,, grabbing his book. "Now to find that page " he mumbled.
Kaede had her parents meet everyone since she thought it would be the best way for them to get closer. Miu had been herself being perverted most of the time. Kiibo had just sighed it off. Gonta was being a gentleman,, Himiko and Tenko were nice but Tenko did say something about degenerate males. Kokichi had been himself like usual telling lies sometimes. Kiyo had been quite polite to Kaedes parents which didn't surprise her even though she hadn't knew him for that long. Maki being her usual self had almost let 'do you want to die ' slip out by accident. Rantaro being his mysterious self ya know the usual. Ryoma wasn't anywhere to be found though sadly. Angie was too busy so they couldn't meet her. Kirumi was making supper but they had met her. Kaito was very up beat Kaede and her parents didn't know why but Kaede guessed he was in a very good mood. Shuichi had already met her parents so he didn't have too again. Kane was just walking around the building with Shuichi. "Ya know.. the team miss ya' kid " he snickered,, narrowing his eyes to the side. "O - oh.. ? " he felt a warm sense of hope grow in his stomach. "Yup ! I think they just miss lookin' at a handsome man " he joked which made Shuichi laugh a bit. "Really ? " he rolled his eyes playfully. "I mean yeah ! Have you seen me " he said with stars in his eyes. Shuichi playfully hit his shoulder. "My goodness - " he rolled his eyes playfully.

2:35 am
"Shu... Cmon.. you gotta sleep.. "
"I'll sleep in a sec.. "
Kaede sighed,, turning on the library light. "Shuichi.. " she yawned. "Come on.. " she said softly. "A moment,, I'm looking for something.. ah ! There it is ! " he said then grabbed a mystery novel. "Okay.. now we can go to bed.. but you didn't need to wait till 2 almost 3 Kaede.. I was capable of doing this by myself " he said softly putting the book in his bag. "No,, I just.. I've missed you so I just wanna be by your side a lot.. " she said in a soft tone. Shuichis eyebrows raised then he chuckled a bit. "Ah I see " he said softly with a small smile while waking over to her. "Well.. We should go now ! " Kaede said with a bright smile. Shuichi chuckled a bit. "Alright alright " he hummed. "You know... it confuses me how much energy you can have when you look so tired " he smiled with a little yawn which Kaede had followed. "Ah Geez ! " she said rubbing her forehead. "Huh ? " shuichi had looked confused while they continued to walk. "You made me yawn " she sighed while walking. "I see " he said softly,, rubbing his chin.

Everyone was asleep by now. Shuichi and Kaede has parted ways both of them going to their own rooms at least at 2:50. Shuichi was passed out his hair being a mess same with everyone else.

Shuichi had woken up to the sound of knocking on his door. "H.. huh.. ? " he said softly then sat up. The person who was knocking had come in. "There's my sidekick ! " Kaito smiled. "Cmon Bro you're missin' out on Kirumis cooking ! " Kaito chuckled with his booming voice. "Ah.. I see I'll be right there " the detective smiled a little.

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