Weeks afterwards

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It's been a few weeks now,, the funeral happened for Shuichis uncle two weeks ago now ; Kyoko and Makoto said they'll let him stay with them so he had a place to go at least.
The detective sighed as laid in bed,, not his bed though ; definitely Kaedes,, he knew it was hers. He closed his eyes slowly and laid there for a while till hearing the door open. He quickly opened his eyes then looked over at the door while sitting up. He felt a small smile grow onto his lips. "Ah... good morning Kaede.. " he hummed softly. She smiled happily then closed the door behind her before flopping down beside Shuichi. He laid back down and smiled softly at her. She had quickly pecked his forehead with a smile on her lips. "How are you feeling Dear ? " she asked while playing with his hair,, making the male slightly tired. "Hm.. I'm good at the moment.. " he smiled tiredly,, understandable it was 8 in the morning for them.

Soon the detective and the pianist found themselves at a café,, the male having a cup of coffee while the female had an cup of green tea. She smiled to herself while drinking her tea. "You're lucky I let you get that Coffee mister " she joked with a small playful smirk. Shuichi chuckled slightly. "you would've let me anyway " he stated with a playful eye roll. "Hmm,, Perhaps " Kaede winked at him as a joke yet Shuichi continued to get flustered either way. "Ah.. " he rubbed the back of his neck while turning his face to the side out of embarrassment. "Shuichi " she laughed softly while placing her hand on top of his that was on the table still. Shuichis face continued to become more flustered. "Ahh... " he narrowed his eyes over to her before starting to slightly shake his head. "Shuichi calm down I'm not doing anything " she giggled playfully while taking a sip of her tea with her free hand,, keeping her hand on top of his. Shuichi huffed then took a sip of his coffee. "I love you Kaede.... I mean it.. " the detective stated while looking back over to her. "I mean it.. " he smiled happily while his eyebrows raised a little. Kaede looked a tad shocked by this then smiled happily. She took ahold of his hand and kissed the back of it. "I love you as well Shuichi... " She hummed while rubbing her thumb on his hand. Shuichis eyes softened at the sight of her while smiling at her. "Hmm.. how about once we finish our drinks let's go look around or something ! " she encouraged him while taking ahold of both of his hands. Shuichi chuckled softly while his face was still slightly red.

Timeskip because I don't have much to write there really..

Saihara laid down in bed with Kaede ; the two o them cuddling. Kaede noticed stuff different about Shuichi since the death of his uncle ; He didn't cut his hair after that and it was almost long enough to be put in a ponytail at this point,, he'd been working more then usual but he also been drinking more caffeine. The pianist felt the detective hide his face in her shoulder,, making her slightly raise an eyebrow. She ran her fingers through out his hair while humming Claire de lune to herself and Shuichi. Shuichi had loved it when the two of them shared quiet moments like this ; soon afterwards Shuichi fell asleep,, Kaede sat up slightly and moved Shuichis head in her lap. She sighed softly at noticing how messy his hair was along with the dark eye bags underneath his eyes. She huffed and continued to play and brush her fingers through his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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