The Werewolf Gala

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This part was written by Raven Lycan.

      "Come on Millie! We have to get ready for the Gala!" Alba said, clearly ecstatic. "Isn't it wonderful that Ace Stone, son of the alpha, chose you as his date? And, oh, his best friend Forest Williams chose me? We get to be best friends, at the gala with our dates, who are also best friends!" She exclaimed. Maybe for you, I thought, I didn't even want to go to this gala. "Okay! Dressing time~" She said all sing-song-y. She launched me into my room, and quickly dashed into hers. I looked around. A brown tee isn't exactly what I'd wear to the gala, and I'm pretty sure even if I did Alba would kill me. So instead I put on the girliest thing I had, which was a bright pink long sleeve shirt and some dark pink pants. I walked out of my room to find Alba in a peacock blue dress, with frills, silk, and all that girly stuff. "You're not seriously wearing that, are you?" She said. "What? It's the only girly thing I have." I shrugged. "Okay, girl, come with me." She said, grabbing my arm. "But—" I started, but she said, "No buts. It's not like you have a choice. If you wore that to the gala, I'm pretty sure Ace would just ditch you on sight." That would be good, actually... I thought bitterly. "Now... what color would you like? Pink? Purple? Blue, or even as wild as gold?" She said, scrolling through her dress collection. "The darkest color you have, please." I said, rolling my eyes. "Okay! Perfect~" She said, pushing aside what must be at least thirty dresses.

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