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This part was written by Raven Lycan.

Millie's POV

"We have to get out of here! Quickly! Come on!" The fox, Rosy, said. "What? Why? We're safe here from whoever crashed the gala." I said, confused. "No, we're not! Zane and...and Forest, they crashed the gala. And Evanora, the mei'fwa who helped us, got captured. She told them where they were. Come on, we've got to go!" She said, dashing into the forest. Raven growled, though less frustrated and more disappointed then normal. "How do we know exactly that she's not leading us into a trap?" She asked. "Shut up Raven. Come on, Ace." I said, turning to Ace who was frozen with a face that was both shocked and sad. I realized that it was because of what Rosy said about Forest. "Ace, hey. It's okay. Come on. We'll give him the butt-whipping he deserves when the time comes." I said, trying to comfort him. Then I realized that, I WAS TRYING TO COMFORT HIM. Why??? I pushed the thought away. Me and Ace walked into the trees, while Raven snarled repeatedly. "You'll regret not listening to me..." She snarled.

Whatever that meant.

(DISCONTINUED) Packs in Peril: An Aphmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now