Something in the window

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This part was written by Raven Lycan


Back with Millie, she was secretly praying to Irene that this night would end soon.

Millie's POV

"You are quite beautiful, M'lady." Forest said, taking a bow at me. I snarled. "Back off, bro. That's my date!" Ace teased. I rolled my eyes for probably the thousandth time this night. As we entered the ballroom, I saw something in the window. A Mei'fwa, although it had strange cheetah-like ears and tail. There was another Mei'fwa, too, a more normal one. After a couple seconds they left. I scanned all other windows, but saw nothing. Then I reluctantly started dancing with Ace, silently wondering when I was going to trip.

(DISCONTINUED) Packs in Peril: An Aphmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now