Not Just a Cat

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This part was written by Xx 8Forever8 xX

Evanora's POV

Oh no no no... how did they get me? I...I gotta pretend I am just a normal cat... I thought slapping myself mentally for squirming so much. I hissed and tried to bite them, hopefully this was enough for me to get away...

"This one's weird... I think she's a normal cat... a house pet maybe, her hair is well groomed." I heard one of the werewolves say. I tried keeping that up and thank god I got away. I was so exited but scared. I had to help the rest! Keeping up my act, I stalked away, walking to a house, pretending to enter. I thought hard. Long and hard. Nothing was in my head except for werewolves. They were walking around the streets fighting a silent war with any werefox the could see. For some reason, I was being dumb. My senses told me to walk back to the gala and get help. That was the first weird thing that my senses ever told me, still, I followed my senses. I decided to change back into my human form for a bit. In case they recognized me. I slipped on my hoodie and hid my tail. hopefully that was okay. I stared at myself on the bit of shattered glass on the floor. I almost forgotten how to be human, after so long as a cat. I stretched a little and walked on.

(DISCONTINUED) Packs in Peril: An Aphmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now