Day 9 - Abandonment

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Blue's POV

Today was harder than any other, I opened up to Dream today and he shut me down, even when I told him about the abuse I was getting from my brother. It's like he wants me to suffer alone, although I don't know how much more I can take. It is not fair to intrust my life in someone's hands and to have them tell me to deal with it by myself.

So I walked around the room that I feel trapped in and found some dangerous items that I forgot I had. Quickly I organized them by how quick each item could kill me and thought about my options, deciding on the rope. I got to work and had the noose hanging from where I punched a hole in the ceiling only minutes later.

The reality of what I was prepared to do hit me like a ton of bricks when I stepped up onto my bed to reach my neck to the noose. My speed went from ten to zero instantly, so I just sat on my bed looking at the noose and wondering if this is really a good idea. After at least half an hour I got up and put the rope around my neck, not letting myself debate the choice any more.

When I stepped off my bed the rope dug into my neck and I felt like I was choking, the world slowly going out of focus. Everything got foggy and before I knew it I was fading, my life ending.

Underswap Papyrus's POV

I woke up in my room and decided to see what Sans was up to, so I knocked on his bedroom door to see if he was in there. There was no response, so I opened the door and was overcome by horror, my brother's body is hanging with a noose around his neck. On the floor there were several different items that he could have been using to harm himself or he could have been thinking about using one of the other items to end his life instead.

My mind is trying to wrap around the why, he never seemed to have a problem with anything and yet here he is. Sans ended his own life, I just want to know the reason for this. Perhaps I should ask Undyne or even Alphys, they were close with him and should know his possible motives.

Dream's POV

Earlier I was in a bad mood and I acted horribly towards Blue, so I headed to Underswap to apolgize. When I arrived I made sure his brother wasn't home and snuck in, quietly creeping up the stairs to his room. There I saw him dead, it broke me and I felt guilt for not being more considerate earlier today.

He'd been looking for a reason to stay alive and I couldn't provide one, so he killed himself. I screwed up badly and it hurts to know this is all my fault, I could have taken him far away from his almost always drunk and abusive brother, but I didn't. Blue had been so upset, yet I shut him out like a dumbass, I might as well have told him to commit suicide.

If only I had used my head, then I wouldn't be here and feeling so guilty, but I don't think things through. Quietly I let tears run down my face, quickly leaving before anyone got back and found his body. Just before I left I reached into his clothes drawer and took a hoodie that he loved to wear around me, he never wore it around anyone in his universe so it was the perfect thing to take.

With the hoodie as something to remember him by, I ran off and hid in my room at the abandoned Star Sanses base. It was a good place to grieve in silence with no disruptions.

-655 words

Hope you enjoyed

Sorry it's been taking a while to get these out, I've been busy. However I'm trying my hardest to finish this as quickly as possible.

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