Day 3 - Death

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Dream's POV

Another day, another battle against the Bad Sanses and today we were losing. I was fighting my brother while Blue is fighting the whole Murder Time Trio, Ink is up against Error and Cross. A sudden scream pirced the air and everyone on both teams stopped, Blue collapsed and I felt panic go through me.

"Blue! Oh shit, please be okay," quickly I ran over to him and I saw the way the blood stained his shirt.

"Dream, I'm sorry. I-I love you," he kissed me as I tried to heal him, desperate to not let him die.

"You'll be okay Blue, you have to be," I felt my tears slide down my face and I clung to Blue, trying to heal him.

"Dream, it's too late," the way Blue looked as he accepted his death hurt me, I need him so that I can be okay and we've always had each other's back.

"Don't go," I shouted through my tears and I felt him began to dust, making me even more upset.

"I love you so much, please remember that and take care of yourself," that was the last thing he got out before his body turned to dust and left me alone.

"Blue, come back," I screamed desperately as my tears flooded down my face and I was clutching his blue scarf in my hands, mumbling small pleas for him to come back to me.

"Dream, he's gone," Ink told me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Go away," I could see him look caught off guard, clearly assuming I'd want him to stay by my side.

"But, Dream," quickly I cut him off, glaring at him through my tears.

"Go away," he was surprised to hear my angry tone, slowly backing away from me and looking towards the scarf I'm holding.

"What the hell just happened? This makes no sense," Nightmare was talking from a distance and I assume it's from my reaction to Blue's death.

Silently I got up and walked through a portal, not wanting to deal with anyone. Everyone there is equally at fault for Blue's death, which means I am too, if only a little bit. Ink is especially guilty, because he encouraged us to go save that Au and Blue ended up dying. It's his fault, I wouldn't have lost Blue if Ink hadn't been here.

"Dream? What's going on? You never sit around here by yourself," I turned to look at Outer and he saw the tears streaking my face.

"Blue's gone, I couldn't save him," he looked surprised, but hugged me tightly and kept me company as I sobbed over my lover's death.

After a few hours I opened a portal to my bedroom and hid in there, not wanting to see Ink. He's likely to make some insensitive comment and upset me more than I already am, so it's not worth it to risk leaving my room. For hours I laid around on my bed and cried to myself, all I wanted was Blue's loving hugs.

"Hey Dream, can we please talk? I really want to know how you're doing," I rolled onto my side and looked at the door, before yelling.

"Go away, I want to be alone," it didn't take long for Ink's footsteps to retreat and I returned to being alone.

Days passed as I stayed in my room, not leaving to talk to anyone and I felt myself wish for Blue more every day. Apparently a truce had been made while I hid away in my room, as Nightmare came to talk to me several times. I ignored him, just like I did everyone else that tried to talk to me.

Eventually I snapped from the loneliness, breaking down and then wrapping a rope around my neck. No one could predict it, so no one came to stop me and I let myself go at the thought of seeing Blue again. It was uncomfortable as I died, but I knew that it's worth it in the end.

Nightmare's POV

I came to check on Dream again and for the first time I didn't feel his presence in his room. So I tried the door and it remained locked, making me have to teleport inside. Once I was in I started crying, a noose hung from the ceiling fan and a pile of dust was on the floor, along with Dream's crown.

Some part of me knew better than to tell everyone else, Dream won't want anyone disturbing his private room. Even if he's dead now, I still feel like I have to respect him and his decisions. I hope he's happier where ever he is now and that he's been reunited with Blue.

-790 words

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