Day 2 Unrequited love

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Dream's POV

I have a major crush on Blue and plan on telling him later, after I get his view on what he wants from a boyfriend. Maybe I can even find out if he's crushing on me and then he'd really be perfect for me. My only hope is that he doesn't have a crush on anyone else, that would be absolutely horrible.

Blue was sitting on the sofa and he was doing something on his phone, smiling happily. Instantly I worried that he was texting a guy that he has a crush on and I got nervous about asking him about his crush, rejection is worse than him not knowing about my love for him.

"Hey Blue," he turned to look at me and I waved awkwardly, hoping he'd get off his phone and give me his full attention.

"Hey Dream, just give me a minute," he did something on his phone before turning towards me and smiling.

"I just was curious if you had any type of crush on anyone," he blushed and laughed awkwardly, making me nervous.

"Yeah I do, but I doubt you'd like who it is," my worry started to make it hard to focus.

"Just tell me, I promise not to judge," the way his happiness radiated off him made me feel sick for once.

"It's Nightmare," he likes my brother, my tears hardly remained hiden as he smiled and failed to notice my disappointment.

"That's fine, you can love who you want Blue," I walked away before I could start crying, he was so happy that I accepted his love for my brother.

Once I was hidden from Blue in my room, I broke down sobbing and wishing that he would have actually loved me. Who am I kidding? Of course he doesn't love a worthless guardian like me, there's no reason that he would love me. I don't even deserve to be alive, my hope that Blue would love me was my only reason to live.

Slowly I walked over to my bathroom and grabbed my pocket knife on the way. When I opened the door I made my idea offical, before I started I locked the door and then leaned against it. When I pressed the blade against my wrist it stung, but I remained quiet and continued to cut my wrist open.

In my own blood I wrote my suicide note, telling Blue and Nightmare that I hope their relationship is good. They probably won't read this, I mean why would they even care enough to check on me? I doubt they'll find my dust and suicide message until next year.

This is the end, my hands are dusting and my legs are already gone. I closed my eye sockets as I felt the rest of my body turn into dust and I felt happy that I could leave my crush and brother together. They deserve to be happy together and I would just get in the way, so this is for the best.

-505 words

Hope you enjoyed

I don't know why I like female Nightmare, but it's cute and yet I didn't add it to this. Confusion.

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