Day 7 - Long Distance

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*Mentions of rape and abuse*

Blue's POV

I'm being forced by my brother to stay in our AU and I hate it, all I want to do is go see Dream. However it's not possible for even Dream to get to me, because I know he's tried and my brother has been keeping him away from me. All I want is to cuddle up in my boyfriends arms and relax for once, but I have to keep living away from him.

No matter how hard it is, I'll hold onto my hope of leaving this place and returning to Dream's side. Even if it means I have to change to see him again, I'll do anything to be with him beause I love him more than anyone else, even I'm less important than him. Being with him is the only thing that keeps me going, so I have to return to his side and show him how much I love him.

The longer I stay here the more I yearn to be with Dream, at this point I'd do anything to be with him. I can last a little longer, although I know I'm close to my breaking point and that means I'll likely do something I regret very soon. However if it get's me closer to Dream, then I won't feel any guilt or remorse for what I do.

Finally I snapped, I didn't care as I slaughtered my friends and my brother, it made me feel free of this cage like AU. Now I just have to wait for Dream to come to me and then we can be together again, but this time will last forever. He's mine and only mine, I refuse to share him with anyone else ever again. No one will take my Dream away from me, because he belongs to me.

Dream's POV

I've recently been feeling waves of negativity flow off of Blue and I really want to go check on him, but his brother doesn't want me around. Although it can't hurt to check on how he's doing and see if I can get past his brother, maybe Blue's home alone or something. It is settled, I'm checking up on Blue and making sure he's okay.

Quickly I stepped through a portal to where Blue is and I saw him sitting in the snow, holding his brother's hoodie. Perhaps the human of his world went on a killing spree and his brother saved him for once, that would make sense. Plus he seems lonely right now and I can't just leave him like that, so I'll go talk to him.

"Hey Blue, it's been awhile," he looked up at me and jumped into my arms, I blushed a bit from the sudden action.

"Dream, you're back, I missed you so much," I smiled at his enthusiasm to see me and then I noticed the dust and blood on his clothes.

"Are you okay? You have blood and dust on you," he looked down as if he's only just noticing it and smiled at me, this time it felt unsettling.

"Yeah, I'm fine, because you're here," suddenly I felt something prick the back of my neck and I passed out.

When I woke up again I was in Blue's bed and he was hugging me tightly, plus I felt a weight on my neck that wasn't there before. I reached my hand up to find that he put a collar on me, it was a bit uncomfortable, but there was some sort of padding to keep it from cutting into my neck.

Blue's hands were around my waist and it felt uncomfortable, the way he held onto me so tightly there. I would have preferred almost any other spot on my body to be touched, but he chose there. Slowly I tried to get away without waking him up, until I felt him shove me down on the bed and I realized he'd been pretending to sleep.

"Stop please, I want to leave," I didn't notice I'd started to cry until he wiped the tears away and sat on my pelvis.

"You know you're really cute like this, although you'd be cuter without your clothes on," that made me panic and start trying even harder to escape his room.

"No, please stop! I'm not comfortable taking off my clothes," even though I was screaming, crying and trying to get away from him he just smiled at me.

"You're disobeying me, so let's test out that collar," a shock went through me from where the collar was on my neck and I screamed loudly.

"It hurts, turn it off," he just made the shock higher and I screamed more, clawing at the collar to get it off.

"Alright, I think that was a good lesson about what happens when you disobey me, now take off your clothes," I was too scared to disobey him again, so I took off my clothes, while I was shaking and crying.

"I-I'm done," he smiled again and hit me, it was just a slap to my face, but it stung.

"Now show me your female ecto," slowly I summoned it and he smiled even more, enjoying the sight of me being terrified.

I didn't have the time to mentally prepare myself for what came next, he spent hours playing with my body and beating me when I did something that displeased him. If I started to cry too much he would shock me and use a knife to carve into my body, I felt like I was in hell. Blue found the whole thing funny and enjoyable, but I wished he'd just kill me already, instead of playing with me.

Ink's POV

Dream's been missing for a few days now and I've tried asking everyone, even the Bad Sanses, but nobody knows where he is. Nightmare said something about a device that can block an aura like Dream's that could be being used, but I doubt it. I mean who would use that, unless someone captured Dream and is holding him prisoner.

I've already checked almost all the AUs and haven't found a single sign that Dream was there, so I guess I'll just give up. Dream will show up again on his own eventually, because there is no way that he'd get captured or anything like that. Plus I texted Blue and he said he hasn't seen him because his brother doesn't allow visitors from other worlds.

Blue's POV

Dream is so cute, he has cum running down his legs and he's tied to my bed. His face is covered in tears and he has been marked as mine, especially his vagina. I really didn't expect Dream to be a virgin, but it made it so much more enjoyable to claim him as mine. Tonight I'll have to play with him again, just to hear him moan and cry over what I'm doing to him.

Now no one can take him from me, because I have claimed him in every way I could possibly think of. I took his virginity, covered him with hickeys and bruises, cut him and even impregnanted him. Every single little part of him is mine and nobody will ever change that.

-1205  words

Hope you enjoyed

The next one might come out a bit late on the day it's posted, it might not, but it's very likely to.

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