Day 5 - Grime

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Dream's POV

It was stupid of me to think that submitting to Nightmare would be a good idea, he just wants to torture me. Unfortunatly I can't get out anyway, Blue got brought here with me and every night I can hear him crying in the cell beside me. I miss the feeling of holding him in my arms, he's always been my comfort.

Everything would have been better if I hadn't been the ruler of my kingdom, then I wouldn't have surrendered them all to Nightmare. Blue wouldn't have had to suffer through all this, he would have got a wife and settled down. Instead he's stuck with an ex king and being tortured, it's all my fault.

The most loyal follow their leaders to the grave and I can't bear to have Blue die with me, I'd rather be tortured for hundreds of years. His innocent blood has already been shed enough, because Nightmare has been torturing us and he doesn't understand that Blue only loved me, nothing more, nothing less.

I wish Nightmare wouldn't treat Blue so badly, he doesn't deserve to be treated like that over being my lover. Maybe I can stop Blue's torture, I just have make a deal with Nightmare and that will likely spell the end for me. However I don't care if I live or die, as long as Blue is okay.

Morning took forever to arrive, as I refused to sleep and just wanted to ask Nightmare for Blue's freedom. He might just go harsher on us though, but I have to take risks to save his life and seal my own fate to Nightmare's choice. It just sucks to have my fate and Blue's in his hands, the cruelest of hands.

"Good morning Dream," Nightmare came down to the dungeons and was taunting me with the key, making me feel more despair.

"Nightmare, please set Blue free. He didn't do anything wrong except for talking to me when you brought me here," I could feel his eyes burning through me and I wish I could have looked away.

"So him sitting on your lap and smiling happily wasn't anything? It seemed like something," damn it, why is he so difficult to convince?

"Yes it was a mistake, please let him go. Seeing one of my subjects going through so much for my fault makes me feel bad for him, I rather you torture me forever than let him spend anymore time in here," he seemed to consider it for a minute, before taking me out of my cage.

"I'll think about it, but you still have to do your usual," I cringed at the sight of the torn dress with holes in all the wrong places, it is just begging to get me fucked again.

"Alright," his eyes burned through my body as I got undressed and put the dress on, leaving over half of my body exposed.

"Get on your hands and knees, then start to touch yourself," shame burned me as I jacked off in front of Nightmare, my cum got on the floor and I felt disgusted with myself.

"Can I start cleaning yet? This mess might dry onto the floor," I tried to make an excuse, but he didn't take the bait.

"No, I want you to make your female ectobody and stay still, also no making sounds," he pinned me to the floor with his tentacles and grabbed some sort of large dildo type thing, roughly shoving it into my vagina.

It took everything I had to not start screaming, it hurt so bad and I wanted to let someone know that I'm in pain. He stopped when I was on the edge on cumming, I started to try to rub my legs together, but he hit me when I moved. My whole body felt like it was on fire and yet the discomfort was able to get worse, my blood was staining the floor.

When I started to lose conciousness Nightmare started laughing, everything hurt and felt like hell. I woke to a horrible sight, Blue's head was in a guillotine and I was dressed up in a dress. Instantly I tried to scream, only to find that I couldn't and nothing was in my mouth either, meaning I lost my voice.

The blade went down and took his head off and I just sat there crying, his blood got everywhere. Soon after he turned to dust and I wished that I could scream, but Nightmare did something while I was unconscious to keep me from talking ever again.

"King Nightmare, it's done, have fun with your new woman. Just don't kill her too quickly, we only have so much access to women," it didn't take long for me to realize that I'm the girl that the guard was talking about.

"Good job, now that boy won't get in my way anymore," my tears kept flowing as the center square of the town emptied out, leaving me alone with the man who murdered my lover.

Years passed as I worked for Nightmare and pretended to love him, it convinced his followers. Yet behind closed doors he abuses me, making me yearn for death, just so I won't be so alone anymore. Nightmare likely wouldn't miss me if I died anyway, so I might just take my life.

I walked through the halls by myself, as Nightmare is currently in a meeting with some other kingdom. He won't need me, he has so many other people he can choose from. So for once I made my own choice, I took some rope from our storage room and hung myself.

-945 words

Hope you enjoyed

I don't know why I added some Dreammare in here, but they weren't brothers. They were just opposing kingdoms, but unlike empireverse.

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