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I cannot believe I just did that. I hope nobody else besides Alec's ex saw that little scene. I walk back over to Padon who is dancing around with some guy but when she sees me coming she stops dancing. "So who is your new guy over there with the pretty eyes? I saw you two over there practically making babies. Who is that guy, he's sexy." She was asking too many questions which meant she was genuinely interested.

"He just asked me to act like I was his girlfriend for a minute, so that his ex would stop following him around. When he told her, she didn't believe him and said that we had to prove it by kissing each other. So, we did and that's the kiss you just saw, but really met earlier. He's the asshole who told me to move out of his way." I say trying to jog her memory.

Based on the look that she is giving me right now, she doesn't believe me but that's fine. I look around the house casually, I see people dancing and all of a sudden I feel the need to dance. I grab Padon before she can say anything and drag her into the middle if the crowd. We're dancing, jumping up and down, waving our hands in the air and just having some plain old fun.

I feel two hands grab onto my waist, I turn around and look at the random guy groping me. By the look he was giving me I'm pretty sure he was shit-faced drunk and probably high too. He's grinning like a big, dumb gorilla who has never seen a person in his life. "Umm.... Hi" I say. "You need to be quiet and dance for me babe" the gorilla slurs. My eyebrows shoot up through my hairline, got me out here looking like Lebron. "Uhhh.... What you NEED to do, is eliminate your hands from my body," I say sternly. He stares at me like I didn't just tell him to do something. I look side to side getting agitated, "NOW" I say a little firmer. He laughs like a sycho maniac on drugs that he is not supposed to be on. "GET YOUR FUCKING NASTY ASS, GRIMY FINGER, SWEATY PALM HAVING ASS OFF ME, YOU PIG ASS GORILLA" I yell pushing him hard in the chest and he stumbles back. "YOU BITCH" He says as he come after me. He looks like he ready to hit me. He got another thing coming if he decides to act froggy and jump. I will punch him and the throat so hard he will think I'm a dude. Like the bottle of lotion in Bath and Body Works, try my.

But before the guy can reach me Alec cones in between us and shoves the guy again. "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you deaf? Becaus that would be the one and only reason why you haven't heard her tell you to back the fuck up off her!!!"

Mr.Gorilla, hold his hands up as a sign of him surrendering as Alec looks my way and looks beyond pissed.

I don't need some guy to come in and save me whenever I'm in trouble. I can handle myself. I don't know what happened but I am pissed beyond compare.

"I don't need you to come and save me. I had that under control. Dammit, I had it!!" O yell at Alec, causing a big scene and now everybody is staring. I hate staring ass mofos. "That guy was coming back to hit you. What were you going to do when he hit you? Then what, huh? Way would you have done?!!" He yells back at me, I can see the frustration in his eyes.

"Screw you. I don't need you swooping and saving me. I can handle myself, maybe you should deal with yourself and stop running away from your problems." I walk past him to the door. Along with frustration there is also hurt in his eyes as I leave.

I walk to my car with Padon mysteriously right next to me. "Hey, ugh what the hell was that?" I ignore her question and hop into my car. I'm completely pissed that he brought me out of my character like that. I need to cool down, alone. I roll down the window, "Padon, can you find a ride, o need some alone time?"

She looks at me a minute, "yeah, sure. Call me when you can." I send one single nod her way and drive away from all the choas going on at the party. I drove for about 45 minutes until I am on the outskirts of town,at a lake. I love coming out here when I need a break. The view us beautiful and all the wildlife makes it feel like home. It is so peaceful out here, just makes you want to lay down by the lake for hours.

* * * * *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  "  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Which is exactly what ended up happening. I actually fell asleep for three hours, until I feel a nudge on my shoulder. "Hey, Red, are you dead or asleep? 'Cause I don't want a murder on my hand." He nudges me again. "Hey Red, you kind of look like a hot sleeping beauty with all that red hair around your face. Quite a--" I cut him off so that he doesn't say anything that will make me want to punch him in the face. "What are you doing here Alec?"

"Two questions, Red?" I nod. "One, how do you know my name? Two, how many year have you been coming to this place?" Why is he asking me all these questions?

I open my eyes and look at Alec, he's smiling like the gorilla but more charming. He's kind of cute when he isn't being a jerk. His teeth are fresh snow white and straight, his hair is straight and blowing from the wind, and his eyes are shining so bright you could say that they were glowing. "I know your name because that girls said it at the party. I've been coming here for two years and before you ask, my name is Jazmine not Red." I say the last sentence with a little attitude, to let him know that he should only call me by my name.

He is still smiling like I said something funny. "What?" I ask. "Nothing. Since I know all this about you I guess I should share about me too." He clears his throat, "My name is Alec, I've been coming here every summer for two years, since I haven't been living here until this year. I think I'll call you Red from now on." He says with deviancy, like he's not going to change his mind about what he jut said. I scowl his way, but he is looking at the water. He looks so much more relaxed than he was at the party. Its kind of sexy.

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