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I hate pitiful, desperate girls who cannot function in life without a male accomplace. Every girl at the mall that I have see today either is with a guy or with some girls. I have yet to see a beautiful, independent woman walk down the corridors of this mall without some one having to be with her. Just stagnent. Those are the type of people that I hand around with. Those are the women who aren't senseless, mindless leeches that need someone's approval before they do anything. Ughhhh. It makes me sick, no wonder every guy is so afraid of me. They think that is m going to drop kick them or something. Every relationship that I have ever been in, I've been the one wearing the pants. No male will ever yell at me or even think about telling me what to do. I don't take orders from anyone and if you want something from me you have to work for it. I'm not the kind if person to get into a relationship and then turn everything upsidedown for somebody, no. I keep on with my regular schedule. Its just the way I am, and I'm pretty sure that, that won't change anyime soon.

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On my way to a party I'm gonna swing by Pad on, one of my closest friends house, to pick her up since her car is in the shop. Two songs after I leave my house I am pulling up into Padon's driveway. I honk my horn seice, so that she will know its me and not one of her stalker ex-boyfriends, who frequently cone around to get back together with her, even though she makes it clear that she has no intentions to so that. Anyway. Miss Thang comes out of her house in some dress with the side cut out- showing some skin on either side- a jean jacket and some black four-inch heels. This girl really has her own style. She take her sweet little time walking yi my car, making sure she comes to a complete stop right before the sidewalk, so that she can step carefully over rocks to my car. After about 3 years, she gets into my car. "Hey" she says buckling herself in, trying to be careful that she doesn't mess up her turquoise and and gold metallic nail polish. Its a cute color, I like it. "'Hey ' yourself, you got me out here waiting for you, wasting my gas while your nasty, stankin' booty ass out here switch walking to my car. Let me tell you something, nobody is going to even want to talk to you if they see you walking like you just stuck a rose up your ass. Its unappealing and plain unattractive." I look at her so serious, she looks back with the same intensity, then we both crack up laughing like we are coming down off of a crack high. "You already know that I ain't out here trying to impress any dude. I don't need a man. I have myself and I am quite the catch." "Eh?" "What?" "Nothing, let's just get to this party and have some fun" I say putting my car into drive and rolling away from her house. Im basting the music in my car as I make my way to Jace-ex boyfriend/current bestfreind's house for a wild party. Even though he is my ex, he can still throw killer parties. The thing about Have and I, is that we used to be like white in rice inseparable, but then, we started catching feelings for each other, so we tried a relationship. It didn't really work out , so we went back to being really close friends. To this day, we can still tell each other about the relationships that we are in. Him talking to me about his girlfriend, Ajah, and me talking about all the guys that try to hit on me. Its quite comfortable. As we arrive at Jace's house I slow in front of the house. Padon and I step out of the car and walk up to the door. Five feet away from the door I can already feel the vibration of the music coming from the ground. Padon is already bouncing up and down, ready to party. "Calm down , hyper active, we haven't even gotten into the center of the party" I said to her she rolls her eyes at me. "Jaz, let loose, have some fun tonight, let that pretty red hair of yours down and just kick it tonight" she says as she kicks out one of her bare legs. We walk into the party and people are all over each other, bumnin' and grindin' each other leaft and right. Padon spots Jace and pulls me in his direction. He and Ajah are dancing all over each other. They haven broken up 2 tines in the last 4 months and got back together both times. To say that their relationship has had its uos and downs would be an understatement, these two have gone through everything and still are together. Its inspiring. I think that after college they'll get married, if there are still together. "Wassup? What took you so damn long babe?" "I had to pick up Pin Head, then wait for her to stank walk to my car before coming here. Sorry." I smile a quick smile then excuse myself so that I can get myself a drink. "Move!!!" I hear some douche bag say from behind me as I am about to get my drink. I ignore him, because he clearly isn't talking to me. "Move!!!" he says again, this time I lowly turn around to see who has lost their complete and utter mind, talking to me like I'm some type if goofy. I starewhen I turn around to asses who Stupid is. He has golden, sunkissed skin with deep blue eyes, and dark brown, shaggy hair. He is wearing a simple white v-eck, dark blue denim jeans, some worn black combat boots and a silver ring on his right hand middle finger. It was just something about guys who wear jewelry, especially rings and necklaces, that really do something to me. But that doesn't matter right now, I still have to remember who I am talking to-the crazy dude. Who dared to order me to do anything, let alone tell me to move out of his way. "Would you kindly tell me who in the blue hell are you talking to?" I ask batting my eyelashes innocently. He looks at me completely unfazed by my question and answers, "You. Move. Now." This dude is clearly off a molly if he thinks that he is talking to me like that. "Are you high?" I ak, sqinting at him like he is the stupidest person alive.

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