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David liked to be babied. He likes to have someone pick out his clothes. He likes to have someone drive him around. He likes people looking after him. His job is stressful to him so he prefers to remember what it was like as a kid. When he didn't have to worry about money or a job. Yeah sure he has fun making the videos but he's constantly stressed about how much footage he has or when it needs to be edited. He just likes to escape that.

David is very picky on who gets to look after him. Everyone knows about it but he likes it when Natalie looks after him because she is like a sister and he likes it when Jason looks after him because he is like a second dad to David. But he wants to be babied by one person so bad but he is afraid to ask. Josh. He is madly in love with him.

David was laid out on his sofa, watching old Disney movies, cuddled up under a mountain of blankets. Natalie had just come home from a day out with Todd and Scotty. So David could now retreat into his childlike state.

"Hey bub" she said sitting down next to him. "do you want something to eat"

He turned his head towards her and nodded sleepily. She whispered an ok, kissed his forehead and headed to the kitchen to find some dino nuggets. Just as she had put them in the oven Jason, Heath, Zane and Josh came through the door. David didn't realise as he had fallen asleep sucking this thumb.

"aww look at him" Zane cooed as soon as he saw David.

"keep it down the kids trying to sleep" Jason scolded.

Zane and Heath left the room to go outside and film some stuff for their videos. Jason went into the kitchen with Natalie. Josh sat next to David and started to play with his hair. David's forehead scrunched up and he started to wine and move around. With the hand that wasn't in his mouth he started to make grabby hands.

"Jowsh." He lisped around his thumb in a whiny voice.

It was clear he was having a nightmare.

"its ok. I'm here cub." With one hand he grabbed onto David's smaller hand, and with the other he gently shook his shoulder. David cracked his teary eyes open. He looked up to see Josh and took his thumb out of his mouth in a panic. He pulled his hand out of Josh's and sat up straight rubbing and wiping at his eyes.

"Hey. Hey little cub its ok. Look at me. Its ok."

David looked at him his eyes still glossy.

"was it a nightmare?"

David nodded. Josh slid his arms around David's waist and pulled him into his lap.

"Do you need anything?"

"Your cuddles" he whispered, his cheeks bright red.

"Ok baby boy."

"I like it when you call me that." David said before hiding his face in Josh's shirt.

"Try and relax now baby. Ill look after you."

David couldn't relax now. He shot up looking josh straight in the eyes.

"Really? you'll look after me?"

Josh nodded his head.

"Thank you" David said pressing his face into Josh's neck and hugging him tight.

"DAVID YOUR DINO NUGGETS ARE DONE!" Natalie yelled from the kitchen.


Well that was awful.

David Dobrik X Josh Peck OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now