Birthday speical 36

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Sorry for the late chapter I haven't been doing okay lately but thanks to my editors I'm doing okay :)
Hajime's POV:

New Year's Eve.. a new year is beginning. This time of year is always stressful. I wonder if Nagito is stressed out.. I'm sure he is. He hides his emotions like that from me. Even though we promised we would start talking more to each other.
Nagito and I were home at our apartment for New Years. We both wanted to be less stressed and didn't want to go to another big party. There was only a few minutes left before midnight.
Nagito seemed a little nervous. I couldn't figure out why. The new year.. does it bug him? Is he anxious? I walked over to him. He was currently trying to open the sparkling juice. Neither of us were old enough to drink. Not that that stopped us in highschool.
"Hey are you okay?" I asked hugging him from behind.
"Yeah!" He answered smiling.
"You seem a bit nervous are your sure there is nothing wrong??" I asked.
"Do I seem nervous?" He asked.
"Just a little.. A little quiet is all.." I said.
He turned around hugging me back.
"I'm okay, thanks for worrying about me honey.." he kissed my forehead.
My face felt warm and my heart fluttered.
"Now can you help me open this? Everytime I open these they always explode no matter what what I do.." Nagito seemed genuinely distressed about opening the sparkling juice.
"You just pop it open with a bottle opener! I believe in you!" I laughed.
Nagito began to open it when it exploded right on to me. I screamed in surprise.
"H-Hajime! Are you okay?!" He asked grabbing a towel.
"Not the first time something stuck has exploded on me..." I giggled.
Nagito's face turned slightly red. His mind went to a dirty place making me giggle. I grabbed the towel from his hand drying my face off lucky not much got onto my long sleeve black shirt.
"Well I guess you weren't kidding.." I laughed.
"I don't know what I do to make it explode.." He sighed.
"Well we still have enough to drink so don't worry about it!" I pecked his cheek.
I switched the tv on for the count down. It read only a minute left. We both quickly poured ourselves a glass.
The count down began as the people on tv started to count down from 10
"3.. 2..1..."
I pulled Nagito into kiss. It's the thing you do right? Fireworks started to go off. I could hear them. The people on tv were screaming happy new year. And I was in the arms of my lovely boyfriend.
"Happy birthday Hajime..." He smiled at me.
"Y-you remembered?" To be honest I was a little shock. With the new year a lot of people tend to forget about my birthday.
"Of course I did! I would never forget!" He smiled at me.
"Happy new year Nagito.." I smiled looking away.
"Follow me!" He said grabbing my hand.
I set my drink down on the coffee table and followed him.
He left go of my hand when we were in the kitchen. He set his drink down on the counter. He pulled out a cake.
"I tried my best.." He set it down in front of me.
It looked like a vanilla cake with green frosting. It was a little messy but I could make out the words "Happy Birthday Love" on it in red.
"Awww! Nagito!" I hugged him tightly touched that he went through all the effort of making and decorating a cake. There was still a full bag of white frosting, I assume he meant to decorate it more.
I swiped my finger across the frosting. But I had an idea. I placed it on Nagito's nose. His shocked face made me burst out laughing.
"W-what was that for?!" He asked.
"Awww your so cute!" I giggled as I got close him.
I licked the frosting off his nose and the winked. Nagito without a second thought grabbed me pulling me into a kiss.
The frosting was still in my mouth. Nagito slipped his tongue into my mouth and swirled his tongue around tasting the frosting.
"Nagito..." I panted.
"Can we do it?!" He asked excited as he backed me up to the counter.
"O-okay..." I said shocked by his sudden excitement.
"Like here?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Okay then... good way to start off the new year right?" I laughed slightly.
He brought me into a kiss. Pulling me in close holding my waist. I wrapped my arms around him. Feeling comfortable in his warmth and scent again.
He hoisted me up to sit on the counter. He got as close to me as he could and held onto him tightly. Our kissing became more erotic and frantic with each passing second. He pushed me down and unbuckled my pants stripping my bottom half.
"N-Nagito hurry up already..." I whined.
"Your quite eager~" he laughed.
"T-that's your fault..." I mumbled. He brought his face down to my lower half. Is he going to? He has never given me a blow job before I assumed he didn't want to and it never bugged me that he did.
He trailed kisses down until he reached my length. He left soft kisses up to the tip making my body shiver a little.
"Nng.. Nagito you don't have to.." I said.
"Maybe I want to~" he said as he began to strike my length teasingly.
He wrapped his mouth around my mouth and began suck up and down just slightly. Making me let out soft moans. I grabbed his soft fluffy hair.
It made me feel sort of dominate as I moved his head to the pace I wanted. I knew I wouldn't last much longer. The new experience made me overly excited.
"N-Nagito I'm going to..." I warned him.
He continued sucking thorough. Not caring.
"Ow!" He slide one of his fingers into my entrance.
The shock and surprise made me cum suddenly into his mouth.
"You still trembling for more~" He teased.
"Please~" I panted.
"Well you are the birthday boy I can't deny any of your requests... But let's make you look more like a special birthday boy~" he said.
I was confused at first but he pulled off my shirt, leaving me fully naked, and reached over grabbing the bag of icing.
"N-Nagito what are you do-" before I could finish my sentence he squeezed the frosting onto my chest. He was clearly having fun out lining my chest with the frosting. The cold of it made me squirm a little. He squeezed some onto my nipples as well.
"Aww now look at you~" he giggled.
I was a blushing mess. I felt embarrassed. I always do when he plays with my chest. But he seems to always enjoy it. I covered my face in embarrassment.
"Don't cover your face! I wanna see you!" He pulled my hands gently away from my face.
"Now birthday boy... what do you want me to do?" He asked.
"I.. I want you to enjoy me all night long~" I gathered my confidence.
"As you wish~" he left a soft kiss on my lips filling me with excitement of what he was going to go next.
We haven't ever tried anything like this... I never thought Nagito would be into a good kink. I have to force him to at least two meals a day. Or maybe he just wants to see white stuff all over my body?
The frosting was slightly melting on my chest. The frosting was a little more watery then fluffy. He began to lick the frosting around my chest. Purposely teasing me. I couldn't tell if he was even enjoying the frosting... he hates sweet things.
He then began to lick to frosting of my nipples making me let out soft moans. I love it when the plays with my chest. I swear my chest has only gotten bigger because of him.
He moved onto my other breast licking and chewing the frosting off my skin as he massaged the other "clean" breast.
"Oh no it's all gone..." He faked whined.
He held the frosting bag squeezing it to cover me in frosting but suddenly the tip of the frosting bag popped and the icing flew onto me. My body now covered with in icing. My face, chest, arms, hair, thighs, stomach, and even my dick.
A pool of frosting sat on my stomach from the over leak of the explosion.
"Wow just my luck~" he looked genuinely pleased with what just happened. I used my finger to wipe the frosting that was close to my eye away and put it into mouth. I seductively looked up at Nagito and sucked by finger and brought it out of my mouth with a pop. His face went read from surprise I think my sudden excitement in the new kink took him by surprise.
"There is so much all over me~" I began to tease him as I took my finger spreading and playing with the pool of icing on my stomach.
"Aren't you going to clean me up? I am the birthday boy arent I?" I continued.
"Of course I'd love too~" he replied.
He leaned down start to lick the the puddle of frosting off my stomach it made me let out little giggles and squirm since it tickled.
He began to move his tongue up though. He began to play with chest and lick the frosting. If anything he was just making me more of a sticky mess. I wanted him to touch me more. It wasn't enough. I reached down unzipping nagito's pants.
"You what me that bad you can't wait?" He asked.
"Please..." I begged.
"Well I can't let the birthday boy beg I guess..." he sighed.
He undid the rest of his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers.
He pressed his length against my entrance.
"Is this what you want?" He asked.
"Please fill me up with your present~" I used my hands to spread my legs apart for him to have better access to me.
"You're so hot..." He smirked before pushing himself into me all at once.
"AHHHH~" I moaned in pain and pleasure.
"Fuck~" I moaned out getting used to his length for the fifty millionth time.
My eyes rolled back this kink was more fun then I thought it would be. I enjoyed being sticky and having white frosting cover my body while Nagito looked me up and down. I felt embarrassed but the way Nagito looked at me, his eyes filled with lust looking like he wanted to devour me, turned me on so much more.
"Start moving~" I demanded.
He held onto my legs and pulled them
So my butt was just barely hanging off of the counter and my legs over his shoulders. He began to move into me.
Tears filled me eyes, I couldn't help it, it felt so amazing. I held on Nagito's arms that were keeping my hips in place. I let out loud moans. The frosting on me was melting even more due to my body that was now even warmer then before.
My thighs were all wet and sticky due to it and now was even getting on Nagito's shirt. I held onto him as he mercilessly pounded into me. The counter top was not very comfortable it honestly hurt my back a lot, but I tried to focused on Nagito's intense thrusts.
Tears fell from my eyes and blurred my vision. I could barley focus on Nagito anymore. My back was in pain due to counter and his intense thrusts were bring me close and closer to an orgasm.
He pulled my further off the counter by accident. My feet fell on the ground. Nagito roughly pushed me against the counter. I almost screamed in pain. But I didn't want to worry Nagito or stop. But I felt sharp pain where I was slammed. I tried my best to get back on to the counter. Nagito helped me and began to roughly thrust back into me.
"Nagito~" I moaned his name but at this point I just need to let my voice out. I was in pain and letting my voice out definitely helped.
"Nng... Haaa~ Nagito~ fuck~" my eyes rolled back as I let out high pitched girly moans.
I dug my nails into him as I came onto my chest with a loud moan of his name. The hard counter top hurt my shoulders as I arched my back.
I tensed and tightened around his length pushing him over his limit as well. He released inside me and pressed as far as he could into me.
I tried to sit up but an intense sharp pain went through my back, "Ow!" I yelled in pain.
"Hajime what's wrong??" He looked up worried.
"I-I don't know.." I lied, now that the pleasure it over all I feel is pain. Unbearable pain.
I tried my best to sit up and screamed again in pain. Tears fell down my cheeks not from pleasure.
"Oh my god Hajime are you okay? Where does it hurt? What's wrong?!" Nagito was freaking out.
I felt like a stupid baby. Tears streamed down my face. I wanted them to stop. It did hurt a lot but to let Nagito see me like this was beyond embarrassing I felt ashamed.
"Hajime come here!" He said worried as he tried his best to help sit me up. I tried not to scream in pain. What the fuck is hurting so bad. I cried into Nagito's shoulder.
"Please Hajime tell me what's wrong?..."
"My back hurts so bad..." I said.
"You should have told me it was hurting your back.." Nagito softly combed through my hair trying to help me calm down.
"I didn't really feel much pain during.." I lied not wanting him to blame himself.
"Okay well let's get you to the bathroom and clean you up..." he said he slide me carefully closed to him and then held onto me under my butt. I whimpered in pain trying to not cry anymore.
He sat me down on the bathroom counter again being very careful.
"Oh my god!" Nagito said in shock.
"What?!" I asked.
"Your back!" He pointed in the mirror.
I looked slightly behind me without turning my back too much. It hurt enough to turn like that but I wanted to see. My spine was covered in red spots. Bruises. Some bleeding I guess from rubbing against the counter when he would thrust into me.
"I didn't think it would look this bad..." I said.
"No way you didn't feel that!" He looked over at me.
"Okay.. so I did.. but I was feeling good so I didn't want us to stop..." I confessed.
He stared at me for a bit. He walked out of the room, I called after him confused. He came back with the first aid kit.
"You should have told me you were hurting." He said with a slight annoyed tone in his voice. Almost as if he was slightly upset with me.
"I didn't mind the pain.. I enjoyed having sex with you..." I said.
"I don't want you actually getting hurt because of sex, Hajime." He said.
"Ow!" I yelled as he started to put alcohol on the bleeding wounds.
I held onto his arms, my grip a little tight as I pushed myself through the pain of it.
"You'll be lucky if that heals in 2 weeks." He said looking at it.
"But down here looks really bad.." He said examining my mid back.
"It's just a few bruises..." I said.
"Bruises take 2-3 weeks to fully heal. The cuts will also add to the pain for the next week. It's gonna be hard for you to move because of the amount of bruises. I just hope you didn't break anything..." He said.
"I'm sure it will be fine!" I smiled but knew it was a lie. I lost my breath when he slammed me against the counter. I'd he surprised if it wasn't broken. It hurt so bad.
"Don't give me that. We are going to the doctor tomorrow." He said upset.
"Why? Didn't you say they are just bruises?" I asked.
"It could be a break down here. It's really swollen." He said.
I sighed.
"Can you just help me clean up? All the frosting is getting uncomfortable and your cum is too..." I said shifting my sitting position uncomfortable.
"Yeah..." He sighed but he looked kinda sad.
Is he upset at me?? Of himself...
"You have a slight fracture." The doctor announced to me and Nagito.
Nagito sighed but didn't look surprised I however did. It didn't hurt much today.
"How did you break this part of your back? It's your spin. If it was a full break or even a little further up you could have been paralyzed. It's a very unusual place to break." The doctor said.
"Oh um... I just fell against the counter.." I said.
"Well we can't exactly cast your entire back. So I want you in a back brace and on bed rest for the next 4 weeks. If it's gets worst let us know." He said.
"4 weeks?!" I said shocked.
I had school and work.
"Well you can still walk I just don't want any heavy lifting or much movement of your back. If you decide to move around please use the back brace." The doctor said.
"Nagito are you mad at me?" I asked nervously.
We had just gotten home, the ride home was quiet.
"I'm not mad... I'm just upset that you didn't say anything. Instead you sat there as I hurt you." He said.
"You didn't hurt me! I was feeling really good because of you.. The pain didn't matter!" I smiled trying to cheer him up.
"The pain does matter! I get your weak to pleasure. I know you enjoy sex, but you made a promise to me! Years ago! That if I was really hurting you, you'd tell me! And here you are with a broken back." He snapped.
I stepped back a little.
"Nagito..." I went to grab his hand but he pulled it away.
"Nagito I'm sorry... I promise you I'm okay! It's not as bad as the doctor made it seem!" I said.
"I can even prove it to you~" I said with a seductive tone and I drew near Nagito.
I moved my hands under his shirt, playing with his chest for once. I looked up slightly at him giving him seductive eyes. The eyes that never fail to make him rail me.
His face turned red. Like usual I had him. It would probably hurt a little, but in the bed it wouldn't hurt that bad..
I pressed my chest up against him. I rubbed my chest slightly against him. It hurt my back but I didn't care.
I leaned in to kiss him and closed my eyes.
"No!" He pushed me off slightly.
"N-Nagito!" I said shocked and a little upset.
"We aren't doing this! No sex until after your fully healed!" He said.
"Then what are you going to do about that?" I said pointing at his obvious boner.
"I-it will just go away!" He blushed.
"I can help you~" I tried to temp him.
"No. I mean what I said Hajime. No sex until your fully recovered." He said.
"What?! No!" I said upset.
"You've lasted longer. No go to the bedroom and rest." He pointed.
"No!" I said back after I felt as if he was treating me like a kid.

Sorry this took so long to get out. My ex and I got back together only for him to be controlling and hurt me. So um.. yeah. That was fun. It was hard to write romance when my heart had been ripped out. I promise I'll get more chapters out soon! Thanks for reading!

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