Chapter 31

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Wow! You guys are literally so kind! I did reach out to those who commented interested in being my editor! So check your message! :)
This is gonna be a short chapter! And then I'm gonna start working on the Christmas special! So hopefully this will keep you guys happy when y'all wait for that-
Hajime's POV:

"Hajime I said I'm sorry!" Nagito hugged me from behind.
We were currently on the bed. I was ignoring him. I looked faced away from him when he started to apologize. When I tried to get up he hugged me not letting me.
I turned my face to the side telling him to basically fuck off. But he continued to apologize.
"Hajimeeeeee!" He whined.
I just glared at him.
"I'm sorry.. It's hard to tell when your in actual pain or pleasure pain! You always moan about the pain!" Nagito argued.
My face flushed a little. "How would you feel if you were edged on all day! It would hurt!" I said.
"But I thought you liked pain?" He looked genuinely confused.
"O-only from you! Not some stupid toy!" I tried punched him in the arm but he caught my fist.
"Hmm.. your hard to please..." he sighed.
"I am not..." I said slightly offended.
"Your right.. It's easy to make you moan~" He winked.
"What happened to your old self deprecating high school self? What happened to "I'm trash"?! Now your just Mr... I don't know.. Sex bragger! There is a happy medium between those two!" I huffed out.
He laughed.
"You haven't changed a bit.. Your still a little tsundere who is weak to pleasure!" He laughed.
"That's it!" I leaped onto him pinning him to the bed. I held him down as he tried to tickle me. We began to wrestle and it turned into Nagito tickling me on the bed.
"Stop Nagito!" I laughed uncontrollably.
"Never! Admit defeat Sire Hajime!" He imitated an old fashion knight.
"You won't catch me alive!" I laughed as I squirmed out of his grip enough to sit up and try to rub away.
My attempt was futile. He immediately grabbed me pulling me into his lap as he continue to tickle me. I laughed tried to tickle him back, I couldn't find a ticklish spot. But I was determined to find it. I tried my best to push him off me to get payback.
"Give up!" Nagito said.
"You wish!" I giggled as I finally pushed him up.
After a while we settled down. I like times like this. Messing around, acting like kids. I looked up at him leaning in for a kiss.
He kissed me back. We were both smiling like idiots. Slightly panting from the wrestling.
"Our neighbors must hate us..." Nagito said.
"Why do you think that?" I asked.
"Well like we were just wrestling on the bed so that makes a lot of noise.." He said.
"But we don't do that often at all?" I said.
"True... But I do pound you on the bed...@ Nagito laughed.
My face immediately felt warm. I didn't think of that. Our neighbors have probably heard me scream and moan Nagito's name as he pound me.
I covered my face embarrassed. I didn't think about that in my old apartment because the walls were really thick. But at this apartment.. I can heard when someone is is sweeping and accidentally hits the wall... I can hear people talking sometimes. So that means they could hear me.
"I can't even show my face around hear again!" I said.
"Well atleast they know your mine!" He smiled.
"Nagito!" I said upset crossing my arms.
"Okay okay.. I'll be serious. Everyone in this apartment probably has had sex in their apartment. I've heard the neighbors. No one will mention it. I promise." He reassured me.
"I hope so.." I sighed.
"Well we should really get ready for our classes now!" He smiled.
He got up with me in his lap and placed me down onto my feet. As I took a step my back and butt hurt.
"Ow!" I yelled.
"What's wrong?" Nagito asked.
"It hurts..." I said.
"I-I'm sorry..." he apologized.
"You better be!" I laughed.
I tried my best to get ready for class but with this much pain I wouldn't be able to make it to class.
So I decided to stay home and rest. Missing two evening classes will be fine. And I'll just sleep and relax when I wait for Nagito to get back home.
Nagito tucked me into bed. Helping me relax. He kissed me and stayed with me until he had to do.
"I'll be back in a few hours! Love you!" He kissed me.
"I love you!" I kissed him back.
Alrighty! So hopefully the next chapter will be edited. I could barley keep my eyes open writing this. But Christmas special will be out the 24th! Might write one more in between chapter before then! Thanks for reading!

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