Chapter 8

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"Hey Jakotsu, why don't we hangout some time?" Chanyeol asked blushing like crazy

"Sure." I responded bllushing to. Do I like Chanyeol. I hope not that would make everything awkward. Kyungsoo walked away and slamed his door shut. Did I do something.

*Jakotsu POV*

Today is the day where I hangout with Chanyeol. I walked into my closet and looked around to see what I could what I could wear. I saw this really cute dress. I was about to grab it but then I figured I had to dress as Dae. Dammit! You know drill, put on painful ducktape and then find boy clothes. UGH I hate being Dae sometimes. I got dressed and walked downstairs to find the rest of the guys playing a video game. "Hey guys where is Chanyeol?" I asked

"Oh he is in the kitchen with Kyungsoo." Kai replied

"Ok thanks." I said as I walked to where the kitchen was. As Kai said he was in the kitchen with Kyungsoo.

"Hey Jak... Dae?" Chanyeol said very confused

"I figured I should if dress like Dae so no sasaengs(I spelled that so wrong or maybe I didn't I will never know lol sorry) will come and attack us." I said

"Oh that makes sense,"Chanyeol said in a duh tone,"are you ready." I nodded and was about to walk out the kitchen when I heard Kyungsoo.

"Wait! Where are you guys going." Kyungsoo said

"Oh we are going to hangout,"Chanyeol said grabbing his keys and walking out the door."Come on Jakotsu." I walked out with him and went inside the car. We turned on the radio and started to jam to Rise of the Bangtan by Bts.

We had finally had arrived to the bubble tea shop. We ordered our and one extra one for Sehun. We sat down and started to talk. I was so nervous that I couldn't say anthing. Ugh I can feel my cheeks heating up, this sucks.

Chanyeol whispered in my ear and said,"Jakotsu, I have liked you for a long time, and well I was wondering if you will be my girlfriend."I just nodded then I spat out my drink when I realized what he had said.

"Are you serious," I said very shocked,"You're not joking with me right."

"No I actually want you to be my girlfriend."Chanyeol whispered laughing at me.

"Yes, of corse."I said very excited. I can't wait to tell Me-cha and Kyungsoo.

*Time skip back to the house because I am lazy*

"Can everyone please come downstairs!"Chanyeol screamed and as soon as he said it everyone came running down the stairs.

"What is it?" Kai asked

"Jakotsu and I are dating." Chanyeol said practically screaming. I looked at everyone who seemed shocked, but then soon happy except for one person, Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo went straight for the door grabbed some shoes and ran out.

"KYUNGSOO WAIT!" I screamed running after him. Dammit what did I do.

I looked all over the citty for him I couldn't find him anywhere. I was about to give up when I heard someone get pushed down. I walked over to where I heard the noise. Then I started to hear laughing of people. That's when I started to run. When I saw the crime I was scared out of my mind. I saw Kyungsoo getting beat up by 6 guys. I ran over to them and pushed them out of the way. I looked at the ground and sa Kyungsoo bleeding. (one fact I didn't tell you guys about me is that when I was little I practice martail arts for 10 years) They needed to pay for this. One guys ran up to me and tried to punch me in the face. I quickly dodged it. I kicked him to ground. Then another one came up with a pipe and tried to hit me. Again I dodged and kicked it out of his hands and hit him on the head with it. Then two of the guys came up with bats with their hands. I ducked making them run into a wall and also making them pass out. The last two people were standing there to scared to make a move. So I ran towards them. and hit them on the neck so hard that they passed out. I was so tired, but I had to help Kyungsoo.

I picked him up and was about to walk away when a man jumped out of no where. "Where do you think you're going." The handsome man said.

"I am going home with him."I said in a lower voice because I was Dae at the moment.

"I don't think so."He said throwing a punch o fast for me to block. I fell to the floor and my nose started to bleed. This is just great I thought. I looked at the man who had a knife. I was really scared, but I know I can't show it. I quickly got up and started to throw punches. Each time I would throw a punch he wouuld dodge it." He started to use his knife and tried to cut me. I dodged it well at least that what I thought. I looked down and saw my shirt had been slashed. The ducktape under me shirt started to show. He kicked me to the ground and then he was very shocked. "Wait your a girl." He said very shocked.

"Yes I'm a girl."I repiled

"Give me your phone right now," he said holding out his hand,"do it before I tell someone your a girl, DAE."I was shocked but soon handed him my phone. He did something then gave it back to me. He threw me his jacket and then left. I put on his jacket and picked up Kyungsoo. How am I going to tell the guys.

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