Chapter 12

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*Jakotsu POV*

Bts and I were sitting on the couch watching T.V. I was still getting text messages from Exo. 20 from Kyungsoo, 15 from Chanyeol, and 7 from Sehun(most of the text from him were asking me to buy him bubble tea). I thought it was finally time to tell them that I'm not going to be home for a while. I stepped outside and and called Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo: Hello?

Jakotsu: it's Jakotsu.


Jokotsu: Yea I'm fine.... Well not really, but I wanted to tell you that I'm not going to be home for 2-3 weeks. I'm at a friends house so you don't need to worry.

Kyungsoo: Of corse I need to worry, you're my best friend. I'll miss you if you leave for that long. Kyungsoo whipered this so it was kinda heard to hear him but I heard him.

Jakotsu: I'll miss you to, but I think I need this break I will see you soon.

I hung up tthe phone and started to think of Chanyeol. How could he do this to me I thought he loved me. I started to cry silently, well at least I thought I cried silently. "Hey are you ok?" A guy older than me asked I think his name was Rap Monster.

"Huh? Oh yea... I'm fine." I lied of corse I didn't want him to have pity on me.

"Sure looks like it," He said sarcastically and handing me a tissue."You know you can tell me right I'm not going to tell anyone if you don't want me to."

"Well.... I saw my boyfriend cheat on me today." I said trying to choke down my tears.

"Damn. That sucks why would he do that to an awesome girl like you?" Rap Monster said flashing one of smiles.

"Thanks. I asked J-hope if I could stay here for a while so I could take a break." Rap monster just hugged me and told me that it was going to be ok, and I started to believe him. He walked back inside and I looked at the sky. It was starting to get really dark so I just went inside to.

(Hours later it's now 12:00am)

"J-hope where is your room I'm tired." I asked
"Over here, follow me." He said showing me where his room was. We walked upstairs and walked down the hall until we saw a room that said J-hope on it. I looked around the room and saw another bed. I'm guessing that's where he is going to sleep. I got dressed in my PJs and layed in the bed. J-hope came in the room in shorts... Just shorts. I started to blush at the sight. "Oh sorry, I like to sleep shirtless." He said covering up his chest. I just laughed and said it was ok. He went to the other bed and laid down. For a long time there was just silence. Until I broke it.

"J-hope." I said hoping that he was awake.

"Yea?" He answered back.

"Why did youu attack Kyungsoo." I said hoping that he wouldn't just say 'because we felt like it.'

"Do you really want to know," I nodded my head."Well, if you want to know the real reason. So we saw D.O and we started to pick on him and tease him. I know we're total assholes, and I'm really sorry, but anyway after sometime he got annoyed and he punched me in the face. So I uh told the guys to beat him up...... Yea sorry about that." Jhope said scratching the back of his neck.

"I forgive you," I said. "I see now that you're a really nice guy, so I forgive you."

"Thanks. Now go to sleep we will talk in the morning." He said pulling the covers over himself.

"Night." I said doing the same. I'm kinda mad that they did that to him, but then again he is a really nice guy I think I should trust him.

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