Chapter 5

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I ran over to Kyungsoo who had recently passed out. I tried to shake him awake before any one came in. As I shook him he didn't wake up so there was only thing left to do, smack him. SMACK. Kyungsoo woke up straight away then started to move away quickly from me. "Kyungsoo before you freak out let me explain," I said in my normal voice still trying not to freak him out," ok so my name is Jakotsu and as you can see I am a girl. I wanted to be an idol but when I went to sign up they were only looking for boys so since I really needed the money.... I dressed up as a boy so I can get the part."

Kyungsoo was quiet before saying,"so all this time you were a girl, is that why you were so girly and wanted to buy that skirt?"

"Yea," I said as I scratching the back of my neck awkwardly," Kyungsoo listen carefully. . .Are you listening. We need to keep this a secret so that I can stay here and get money for my family ok. I know that you just met me but I just really need you to do this one thing and keep my secret,ok." Kyungsoo looked shocked for a minute then soon nodded his head

"So now what." Kyungsoo said.

"I guess we just live out our lives like how we used to." I said as I helped him up.

Ever since then me and Kyungsoo have gotten really close I tell him everything and he tells me everything. I am really glad that we have this friendship and I am happy that he hasn't told anyone

Kyungsoo POV*

When I first met Dae I thought he or should I say she was really weird but ever since I found out her secret I have became really close to her. I think I may actually like her.......wait no I don't she is like my little brother (see what I did there little brother cause she used to dress like a boy). Ugh I just need to cool down. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge and took out something to drink. I closed he fridge and I saw $uho. I jumped back ndd he started to laugh." Hey we are going to go see a movie do you want to come." $uho said still laughing.

"Ugh who is coming." I said to $uho

"Everyone is going." $uho said pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Anyway sure I will go."I said as he walked away grabbing his keys, and walking out of the house. I went to Chanyeol and Jakotsu's room. I opened the room to see her and Chanyeol playing a video game. Jakotsu seemed like she was having so much fun with him. Why did it make me so angry to see her with him happy I could never make her that happy. I guess I was quiet for a long time because I heard their video game pause. I looked up and I saw them staring at me. "Oh, um we are going to the movies now so get ready."I said as they turned off the consule and walked out of the room. Why am I so mad about this ugh this is so confusing do I like her or do I not like her UGH.

We were all in the car and talking about what movie to see. Chanyeol and Jakostu were laughing away and each time I saw her smile with him I just wanted to shoot Chanyeol. I mean what. when we got to the movies again they were near each other and I got so angry. After the movies it was really late when we got in the car Jakotsu got tired and LAYed her head on Chanyeol's shoulder. That's it I can't take it any more, sorry Jakotsu. "DAE IS A GIRL!"I screamed at the top of my lungs. Jakotsu woke up and slapped me. Everone looked back at me very confused.

"Is he right, are you a girl?"Chanyeol asked looking at her.

"Can we talk about this later." Jakotsu said. Dammit I think I fucked up.

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