-Chapter 6-

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A/N hi guys, I have a new fanfiction :] if you are into dream fanfics you might like this one! https://www.wattpad.com/story/253268208-torn-dreamwastaken-x-reader

I was hurt, all I could feel was sadness. I felt stupid for believing it was real to begin with. Tears formed in my eyes as I rushed down the busy hallways of my high school. I was hoping to never see his face again.

-5 hours later-

It was now time for my last period of the day, Alex was going to be there. I felt a knot in my stomach when I began walking to the classroom. I zipped my hoodie up and put the hood over my head. I didn't want him to say a word to me so I made the impression. I walked in and saw a substitute. 

"Excuse me miss?" I ask the sub.

"Hm?" She replies.

"Where is our teacher?" 

"Oh, he quit." She says.

"Oh okay, thank you." I smile.

Thank god that creep was gone. I never wanted to see him again. Unfortunately not all of my wishes were granted and Alex walked in the classroom. Without hesitation I blurt out that I'm going to the bathroom.I didn't care if the sub said no or not.

I heard footsteps following behind me. I stop where I was standing and let out a huge sigh. I turn around and see Alex standing behind me.

"Alex please go away" I say already feeling the tears build up.

"No do you want to know why I won't go away?" He blurts out.

"Not really, now just give up already" I cry.

"Absolutely not, in fact I'm falling in love with you Willow. From the first day I saw you I loved you. Most girls just use me because I'm a well-known youtuber, but you seemed genuine and didn't even care to be honest." He told me.

"That was so sweet of you, but do you even know if this would work out" I sob.

"We will just have find out" he says leaning in closer.

Without a second thought I wrap my arms around his neck, jump placing my legs tightly along his waist, and kiss him. This was more romantic than the first time. He closes his eyes and kisses me back before placing my back on the walls gently.

Both of our lips were in sync, we couldn't stop. He was my addiction. This was all so romantic for 2 minutes before a teacher walks by and immediately breaks us apart. He yells at us to get back to class or we will get detention. 

We hold back our laughter until he was far enough away. We laughed so hard that I almost peed myself. He held my hand as we walked back to our class. Both of us open the classroom door and everyone just stares. They all knew what we were up to.

The substitute doesn't even notice because she was half-asleep on the chair. We sneak past her and giggle. I love learning more and more about him so, we both just talk the whole class period until it ends. 

-1 hour later- 

Alex and I wanted to spend time with eachother since we finally knew we wanted to be a couple. I went to his house and was finally able to see what his life at home was like. It was a decent sized home, enough to fit his family and adorable cat. I walk passed his family who kept to themselves and all just did their own thing.

I wonder if they were used to him bringing girls over. I shake off the thought and follow him to his bedroom. I look around his room and see a very nice gaming setup in his corner. And then on the other side of the room, his bed. I sit on the edge of his bed as he turns on his computer.

"One sec, I want show you something" he says.

"Oh okay" I reply with an intrigued look.

I watch him put on his headset and begin to set up his mic. He must be streaming.

"Come over here" he smiles.

I walk over there and see a bunch of confusing things on his computer. I place my head on his shoulder and turn his head to give me a kiss. He eventually shows me that he live streaming and where his chat was. It was going so fast I could hardly read it.

"Hello everyone" he says in a high-pitched voice that sends me into a laughter. The chat immediately picks up on my voice and start freaking out, asking who I was. Alex turns on his camera and looks at me.

"Wave" he says with a huge smile on his face. 

I wave and say "Hi everyone". My face turns a bright red from looking at the viewer count. I get nervous since there were so many people here. Alex sees my scared look and takes over the talking portion. I sit in a chair he had close by and watch the chat fly by.

"Let me introduce my girlfriend to you guys" he says. I choke on my spit from him saying girlfriend.

"Everything alright?" he asks with concern.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm not used to that word"  I say catching my breath.

"Anyways" he chuckles, "let's play some minecraft today".

He teaches me the controls and how to play while I just stare into his eyes, they are just perfect, like him. I completely ignore everything he says by accident and just watch him. I come back into reality after a bit. I watch him while laughing at his funny bits. I'd never seen this side of him. He was so hilarious and adorable. 

Around 2 hours later he finishes up the stream. He shuts down his computer and picks me up from my chair bridal style. I squeal and laugh. He places me on his bed. I scoot over, making room for him. We talk for hours until I fall asleep in his arms.

I finally wake up. I rub my eyes and pat the bed down while trying to find my phone. It's 7:00 AM, I freak out because my mom is going to kill me.

"Shit" I say hitting myself in the face. I peek over to Alex making sure he's asleep. I quietly sneak out of bed grabbing my phone. I kiss him on the forehead and walk out of his house.

Eventually I make it back home. I grab my keys from my bag but before I am able to enter the house I'm greeted by a familiar face.

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