-Chapter 4-

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I let out a big sigh and stood up. I closed my eyes trying to keep myself from crying and told Alex to leave. He got up and wrapped his arms around me. He didn't seem to be going anywhere. I hugged him back, tightly. At that point I couldn't take it anymore, I began to uncontrollably cry. 

Alex tried to comfort me. He sat me down and gave me a tissue. "Thanks" I sniffled. I brought my knees to me chest and hid my face because I could tell it was red. 

"Everything is gonna be okay, you just have to trust me" Alex assured rubbing my back. I nodded my head and took a breath out. Suddenly, I heard a noise. It was probably my mother. I scurried to my door so I could lock it, although it wouldn't keep her out long. I looked around my room to find a spot to hide Alex. 

"The closet!" I thought. I grabbed Alex by the arm and hid him the closet. He looked worried so I whispered, "This time, you HAVE to trust me". He didn't say anything but was willing to listen. 

My mom slammed on the door. "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR WILLOW" she screamed. I opened the door and apologized for locking it. She gave me a rotten look, a look that could kill thousands. "Whatever, don't do it again or I will beat the shit out of you" she snapped.

I knew Alex's blood was boiling from her saying that. She began to walk away until she said, "Oh yeah, this is for you". She got something out of her pocket and threw it at me. The small item was in a package, I threw it on my bed.

I rushed to close my door and ran to the closet. I opened the door and saw the fury in his eyes. "Alex.. it's not what you think" I nervously whispered. "So help me god Willow, if she lays a hand on you." He muttered in an angry tone. I lied and reassured she wouldn't. 

"Alex it was great seeing you and all, but it's time for you to leave. I have school in an hour and thirty minutes so I have to get ready, and you should too." I told him while walking over to the window. He followed me and opened it. I felt his eyes on me and then he climbed out of the window. He did that little wave he always did and left my house. I waved back and watched him walk out of my view. 

Just as I was about to find something to wear for school I remembered the package I got. I opened it taking the wrapping paper off of it. It was in a small box that could probably fit a fancy bracelet. I got excited at the thought of that so I began to open the box. 

When I opened I gasped and panicked. It was a huge spider. I guess I freaked it out and it tried to attack me. I ran away, but it followed me. I saw Alex approaching my window as I was trying to outrun this spider. "Hey I forgot my-" Alex stopped his sentence and quickly jumped inside my room.

Without a second thought he stomped on it. "HOLY SHIT" he whisper-screamed knowing that my mother was around, "I really can't leave you alone, can I?". Tears rushed down my eyes. "Im so scared of spiders, thank you for killing it." I sobbed. He came over to me and gave me a hug until he glanced at the box I received the spider in.

He noticed a note taped to the box I received it in. He walked over to it. "What is that?" I asked nervously. "I'm not sure" he told me with a confused look. Alex decided to read it. He picked up the note and read, "I told you not to mess with my man, now you will have to pay the price... signed, Cassie".

"Wait.. CASSIE?!" he asked me. "Oh my god, she really wasn't joking" I thought out loud. "Uh so can you maybe you explain to me what's going on?" he said confused. "Long story but Cassie does not want me around you so she tried to kill me-" I sighed closing my eyes. 

"Her dad owns some spider farm or something so that clears up the spider part.." He laughed. I gave him a serious look. "Right, not a time for anything funny, but laughter is a cope of mine" he chuckled. "It's fine but, is there a chance that she maybe trained that damn spider?!" I asked. "Honestly, I have no clue but that's a possibility" he exclaimed. I thought about for a few second then remembered that I had school.

"SHIT!" I thought. "Alex you need to go for real this time, I have to be on the bus in 30 minutes" I fretted. "Oh alright, just let me grab my hoodie first." he sassed jokingly, "Except this time.. when I leave, try not to get killed." I laughed and crossed my arms as he left again.  He had this protectiveness over me, I kinda liked it in a way.

It was already 5:00 am and I had school in an hour. I rolled my eyes at the thought of Cassie being on the bus. I wanted revenge, but this time it would involve a few moves. I threw on some leggings and a cute hoodie that I just bought. 

I went to my bathroom to put on some light makeup. As I was applying some concealer, I got a phone call. The contact name on my phone had the 3 most heart dropping letters in my life. It said "Dad".


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