-Chapter 3-

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~Willow POV~

It was 4 am and I kept hearing a buzzing noise. Half-asleep I grab the first thing I see. When I grabbed the object it was bright and making noise, it was my phone. I noticed my phone was ringing. Who in the hell was calling me at 4 am? I checked my notifications and there were 14 missed calls from Alex.

My eyes widened and my heart rate grew. "What in the hell?" I ask myself. I quickly opened iMessage and saw that he texted me saying "open your window". My head snapped to the large window I had covered with curtains. I hopped out of my bed, quietly tip-toed to my window and ripped open my curtains. Alex was standing there waving.

When he stopped waving I saw him look away from me with with a red face. Confusion crossed my mind. I took one glance down and I was in only a bra and underwear. I slid my curtains shut and felt my face brighten. I ran to the closest shirt and bottom I had. I threw them on and opened the curtains again.

I opened up the window.  "Can I look now?" Alex asked. I was so embarrassed that I could barely manage to say "yes". Alex hopped through the window (without permission but I didn't mind) and said he needed to talk. I sighed and sat down on the bed with him. My brown eyes looked up at him while he was getting the courage to tell me what was wrong. 

"Whats up?" I said putting my hair over my cheek to hide the mark my mother had given me. He grabbed my wrist lightly, and moved it out of the way. He brushed my hair behind my ear and asked, "What is this mark about?" I looked down and didn't answer him. He was probably upset that I didn't tell him.

"You know I heard yelling and screaming" he sighed, "Are you okay?" I could see the unsettled look in his eyes. I glanced at him and told him, "I think it's best if you go, for my sake". Alex folded his arms and glared at me. I could tell he wasn't going anywhere. 

Authors note:


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