-Chapter 1-

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~Willow POV~

I felt so free, wandering through the beautiful sunflower garden. I was able to hide myself in between all the tall flowers. All my emotions, regrets, and past trying to find me but they couldn't, I was free from them. I was able to hide from them and enjoy my life for once. The sun beat on my skin but, it started to fade away. Everything soon fell into to darkness.

I had woken up from my slumber. I smelled a strong scent of vodka, she was drinking again. I sighed and got up to get ready for school. I went into my small bathroom that I shared with my mother and grabbed a comb. I brushed through my long chestnut brown hair. I put on a light amount of makeup and grabbed my shoes.

I wasn't like most girls. I could care less about the way my hair was styled, the brand of shoes I had, or the way I put on makeup. I believe everyone is pretty in their own way.

I grabbed my backpack and peeked inside of it making sure I had my notebooks for school. Everything was there so I grabbed my phone and slid it in my back pocket. I opened my bedroom door and gasped in fear. My mother had frightened me and was standing right in front of me.

"What in the world do you think you are doing young lady?" she asked. "Mom, I have school today" I uttered. "Too bad! We are moving, it's too expensive here in Florida! Pack your bags." she shouted. I felt my eyes fill with tears, without thinking I turned around and slammed the door. I immediately realized what I had just done.

She barged in the door, "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" she screamed at me. I started to breathe heavily and felt the tears run down my face. In less than a second I felt a hand slam against my face. I had no words.

She angrily stomped out the room. My mouth was wide open slowly touching my face. I sat on my bed with my eyes open. I started to cry, "I don't deserve this" I thought. I texted my friend Nova (she has been my best friend since we moved here a year ago). "I have to move, I'm sorry" I texted her. I blocked her because it was my only option to let go of the past again.

-2 day skip-

It had been a day since my mother and I had arrived in California, supposedly she got a very good job here that could pay for our 2 bedroom home and her alcohol. My mother is not a unattractive women and the only job I could think of that she could have gotten was a prostitute. I saw her buy a few questionable clothing items at the store and she disappeared last night. I shuttered at the thought of it.

I was already enrolled in high school and I started today. I was nervous as fuck since I was starting in a new school with no friends and on top of that being a senior. 

I did my normal routine and went on with my morning. My mother wasn't home I could care less though. I walked out into the nice breeze and saw my bus coming. I sped up a little and hopped on the bus when it stopped. Now was the hard part, where do I sit? I sat in the middle staying away from the teachers pets in the front and the drug addicts in the back.

I ended up sitting next to one of the 'popular girls'. She was on her phone and then saw me sit next to her. I felt her eyes staring me down. "Hey, your hair looks so pretty! Where did you buy it?" she exclaimed. My eyes widened, "Oh, it-it's real not fake" I awkwardly laughed. "I know, jeez can't take a joke?" she rolled her eyes.

We sat silent both sitting on our phones. She broke the tension by saying, "My name is Cassie, what's yours?" I smiled, "Willow, thanks". I saw the bus doors open, while Cassie was rambling about how rich and popular she was. I saw a guy walk on the bus, our eyes locked. Deep brown eyes darker than anything you could imagine. He smiled at me and waved. I eyed him as he sat down one seat behind me.

My face was every shade of red. "Oh that's Alex, he's pretty cute. I'm pretty sure he runs a youtube channel too so he is probably rich" Cassie explained, "I have had my eye on him for a while". I ignored her just because I couldn't focus on anything she was saying. 

He was cute, really really cute.

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