Ch.1 My Cat's New Friend

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▪3rd Person POV▪

L/N Y/N has just finished her project. She's a senior at XX University, majoring in fashion. She was making a paper for her fashion forecast class, and she did thorough research on the Internet when making the paper. She looks at the clock hanging on the wall, it's already 7 p.m by now. 

Y/N gets up from her chair and walks to the kitchen to make dinner. Then she sees that her cat's bowl is empty, so she fills it with dried food. Then she realizes that something is amiss.

Her cat Qyubert used to come in to view at the sounds of his filled bowl, but now not a sight of Qyubert. The fat white cat was not seen today after he ate his food at 10 in the morning. 

Y/N: Qyu~ Qyubert, it's dinner time!

Y/N open the door to her back porch and called him. Y/N lives on the first floor of this apartment building and all of the first-floor room has a back porch and a 2x4 meters yard, as the one above has a balcony.

Between each house's back yard, there are 120cm tall wooden fences. Y/N decorates her back yard with a couple of plants and cat condos for Qyubert to play around with.

Y/N tends to let the door to her back yard open in the morning until the afternoon. She did that because she knew Qyubert likes to stroll around in the apartment area or just lazying in his condo.

The fence that dividing each back yard has a small gap underneath, the gap is big enough for Qyubert to walk past it to take a stroll. But even though he likes to walk around the apartment building, he always came back by noon.

But now that Y/n didn't see her cat, she's a little bit worried and so she walks out of her house and looks around the apartment building.


where's he? how far did he walk today? did he get lost? or did someone kidnaps him? Oh, no I'm so worried. Qyubert is the cat I pick up from the street on a rainy day three years ago. I was new around here and just got into college.

I live alone for the first time, away from my family, it's actually making me feel lonely. One day, I was walking home from campus, it was raining really hard. And then I heard a tiny mya under the bench that I pass. 

There's a box under that bench, the carton box was already drenched and damps. I pull it out and found three white kittens inside, but unfortunately, two of the kittens died.

I hurriedly took the box out and went to the nearest vet. They check on the sole survivor and wrap the poor dead kittens. They died of hunger and cold, and the only one left was also not in a good condition.

I took the cat and his dead siblings back home. I buried the dead kitten in my back yard. I look at the only surviving cat and somehow I feel attached to him. We're both are alone, well, I do still have my family, but in here, I'm alone.

So I decided to adopt the cat and named him Qyubert. We've been together since then. I watch as Qyubert grew from a small tiny sick kitten, into an annoying fat but lovable cat.

Y/N: Qyubert, where are you?

I walk around the apartment building and looking under every car parked on the lot. I squish the squeaking duck toy in my hand, it's Qyu's fav toy. I asked the security guard whether he'd seen Qyubert around here, but he said he didn't see him at all today. I'm getting uneasy and the security guard said he'll help to look and tell me if he finds him. I nod at him and walk back to my house.

When I'm in front of the house right next to mine, the door was suddenly open. I was startled because I didn't know someone moved in. This room is empty for about 7 months. I turn my head and look at the person who opens it.

There's a man, a really tall man in fact. I keep looking upward until I finally meet eyes with the tall guy. This person has beautiful silver hair and a pair of sparkling green eyes. And boy, this man is handsome. But, somehow I feel like I've seen him somewhere before.

He holds some boxes and I think he wants to throw them away. This man looks at me and beams a smile. He greets me first with his cheerful voice.

Lev: Oh, hello there! good evening! I'm Haiba Lev, I just moved here today, I'm going to live in this apartment from today on.  Nice to meet you.

Y/N: Oh, yes! hello! I'm L/N Y/N, I live next door, Nice to me- QYUBERT!?

as I was greeting my new neighbor, I saw Qyubert walks out of his house. I crouch down and cradle him in my arms.

Y/N: oh my Qyu, I've been looking for you.... 

Lev: Ooh, He's yours?

I look up to see Haiba san crouching down as well and we're on the same eye level.

Y/N: uh ah yes I'm sorry for shouting... it's just I've been looking for him.

Lev: well, actually, he was here the whole time since early in the morning. I was opening my back door to let some wind in, and he just came. He had been accompanying me tidy up my place

I stand up and Haiba san also standing up as well. I bow my head at him and apologize.

Y/N: I'm so sorry if he bothers you Haiba san.

Lev: hey, it's alright, he just laying around and well sometimes staring at me, we're kind of click actually and became friends... and by the way, since he and I are friends now, I guess you and I can be a friend as well... how about that? neighbor

Haiba san is a very carefree looking guy. Even though he was tall, huge, and well handsome, he's not intimidating at all. He's very humble and cheery in fact. I smile at him and nod.

Y/N: well, I'd be happy to Haiba san

Haiba san pouting cutely, it confuses me.

Lev: now now, how old are you?

Y/N: uh, I'm 22

Lev: well I'm 23, we're not too far apart so please just call me Lev, I'm not up for formalities... so just call me Lev okay, Y/N

I was startled when he calls me by my name, but this guy, he doesn't look dangerous at all, not the slightest

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I was startled when he calls me by my name, but this guy, he doesn't look dangerous at all, not the slightest. 

Y/N: well, Okay then, Lev

That day, my cat befriends my neighbor, and that neighbor became my friend as well. I help Lev to put the boxes away, also telling the security that I already found Qyu. It's not bad to have a new person around. But really, I think I've seen Lev somewhere. Well, maybe it's nothing.

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