The Battle of the Dragons

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The blue paladin was in a bit of a pickle, and the random voices of Princess Nya and Wu shouting at him to move out of the way were not making matters any better. The purple beam being shot at him repeatedly could only do so much, but with the energy of Wisp soon draining, it'll only get worse. 

"Are the others out of the ship yet?" Jay asked, jerking his controls to miss the ray of destruction. 

"Unfortunately, no. You're going to have to stall a little longer." Wu told him. 

The freckled boy could hear the shuffling around the control room by Nya. She was starting to become anxious, and impatient. "Until Kai is able to connect with red, and Cole gets down here to retrieve the black dragon, we should be fine. If all else fails-" 

"We die, I KNOW!" 

While Jay was holding off the ship, Nya muted their coms and turned her attention to her mentor, "I think they're going to need backup-" 

"You're not going up there. It's already bad enough your brother is up there, I don't need to be sending you to your doom too." He said, his brows furrowed with a scowl on his face. 

Her ocean eyes were threatening, "You can't baby me anymore, I'm eighteen." 

"You may be of age, but that does not mean our customs doesn't apply to you." He scolded. 

The ravens shoulders start to tense, "How do I follow our customs if there is no one to follow them to? Our planet is dead, our culture is burned to the crisp, and all you want to think about is customs!?! We're in war-"

"And you are a princess-"

"OF WHAT?!? WHAT DO I GOVERN!?! I COULD NOT RULE EVEN IF IGNACIA WERE NOT DESTROYED IN THE HANDS OF THE ONI!" She yelled, her eyes glistening with a slight glow of blue, "I was cursed with father's creation, I am unable to follow our customs because of his proposition! My life, my beliefs, my gift were no longer my right to yield! Instead they used it in their own benefits to give to my brother.  He was raised to become an emperor while I was raised to become someone's playmate. I never had a right to do anything from our customs. You were able to do however you pleased because you had your own benefits. So don't you lecture me about customs, and rules. War is war, there are no rules." 

Wu was stunned by her stubbornness. She had always been pretty vocal about how she felt about the 'favoritism' with her brother. Ignacian customs held men to a higher standards and women had to follow with whatever they seem fit. In Nya's mind, it was unfair and makes females have no power for themselves. That was something she wanted to change once the war was over, but the universe had other plans. 

Breaking the awkward silence between the two, Cole's voice broke through the coms, "We've retrieved the red dragon. I repeat we've retrieved the red dragon. The green dragon is taking me back to the temple now." He informed the duo. 

A heavy breath escaped from the princess's lungs. She went and unmuted herself to get a hold of Cole, "I'll meet you down in the hangers to retrieve the black dragon. Once you connect with it, get back on the battlefield and prepare to form Voltron." She explained, already giving herself a head start to the hangers. 

Back on the battlefield, the current four dragons were still getting used to being back in the universe. Along with the paladins figuring out how to take control of their assigned dragons which for both returners and rookies became very stressful.  

Lloyd and Kai were probably dealing with their dragons the best, most likely because they already had prior experience with flying. Zane and Jay however... were having some difficulty. 

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