Sunshine Exercise

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Sleeping comfortably in their beds were the five paladins. Jay was in a deep sleep in one of his endless dreams, cuddling one of the only things he was able to bring back from earth thanks to Zane, Mr. Cuddlywomp, his teddy bear. 

Zane was hanging his head out of the bed with his now dead laptop on his lap. He stayed up all night trying to connect his technology with Ignacian tech, thanks to Wu's knowledge on it at least. Although he did fall asleep on the couch in the lounge area and got carried back to his room by Cole. 

Unlike those two, who acted the most childlike in Brookstone's eyes, he was already in his paladin attire. The raven tend to not sleep the best, mostly due to his constant nightmares and migraines that would erupt to him screaming.  Besides, you can never be too ready whenever battle is near. 

Awake like Cole, Lloyd sat up in his bed, examining a small blade in his hand. It looked like it was made of gold, but it didn't have the same properties. It was studier, and more reactive than gold. It had small engravings on the side of the blade, but it couldn't be translated by anyone Lloyd had gotten in contact with. Maybe he'll find an answer here. 

Kai on the other hand, is apart of a devious plan that had been set up for every generation of paladins. He was leaning against the front control panel, smirking in anticipation as he wait for his sister to press the alarm button. 

"Can you press it now?" 


"Come on, please? I want to see their reactions!" 

"Impatient Pindsvin." The princess teased, sticking her tongue out. 

Kai shook his head, "Pindsvin? I haven't heard you say that in years." He said, thinking back to when they were kids and he would get overprotective about suitors that were being offered to Nya. 

The ocean eyed foreigner rolled her eyes and turned on the alarm, alerting all the paladins to come to the control room. The goal was to see how they would react in an emergency. If they were fully rested, in armor, and had their bayards with them before they went into their dragons. 

The siblings could practically hear the amount of panic in the halls as the paladins scurried into the control room. And to Nya's dismay, she was very disappointed in the result. 

Not even all of them showed up. The only one that even passed was Cole, who was already fully in uniform and from the looks of things, rested. He was the first one to arrive, that pleased the princess quite a bit. 

Lloyd followed afterwards, the same agility as Cole did, however he did not show up in uniform. He performed better than Nya had thought, although she could hear the chuckles her brother tried to hold back when Zane ran in. 

It looked like the white paladin didn't sleep at all last night, which Nya took into account and will talk about. He was in the clothing he arrived in when they had first met, bags under his eyes, and his backpack slung over his shoulder. Unfortunately, he didn't get the zipper fully closed, so some of his stuff fell out of the bag. 

The prince of Ignacia felt the sight was pretty humorous, his sister on the other hand did not. Her stern expression soften when she realized there was a paladin missing, "Where's Jay?" 

The paladins looked at each other, asking for confirmation of where the missing paladin was. When the princess didn't get a response, she simply walked through the trio of paladins. She knew everything that happens in this temple, she could feel everything that goes on. 

But this energy was new, human energy. She'd experience almost three hundred different races, but never had an encounter with her new paladins race. Although, on Lloyd's case it was a little fuzzy, and Cole's arm brought confusion as well. 

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