Warnings kinda things :P

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You can skip if you feel like this is a usless chapter.
( I know I would skip this sugar honey ice tea ...... shit. It spells shit.)

- I own no art I use in these chapter or anything
-there will be bad language because I suck at this shit :)
-i suck at wrighting so there WILL be ALOT of spelling mistake
- I suck at life =/
- I ship the birdflash
And finally
- I'm lazy so updating will be horrible

Other things
U are allowed to give me requests if they fit the plot

I love being told what to do in usless

I will be skipping basic stuff that happens alot in stories like dicks parent's falling oop sorry

IF U WANT TO CHECK OUT MY ORIGINAL CHANNEL... don't it's horrible. It only has one story on there and it's this one. Not even full it only goes up to chapter 4 :/ it's sad. Trust me

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