6 prisoner vibes

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Batmans pov
Well that was more work then i was hopping. I think i knocked the ginger out and Renagade nearly committed.... i need to get them back to the tower. Get them checked out, im pretty sure i gave Renegade a concussion. No time to waste the closest zata beam is two blocks away.


""Pffff hahahhhhha"" *glaring intensifies.

I make my way through the justice leagues space watch tower, holding to maybe breathing boys, coverd head to toe in random glitter, getting laughed at. A few bat Glares here and there and they shut up fast. I singled to Barry 'the flash' Allen to follow me, and signal Clark to not talk to me.

"Umm bru...bats are those who i think they are... ard they breathing?" I put kid zoom in one of the questioning cells, and start to head towards the cell medical bay. "Yes." He stares in amazement at my work. " well way to show everyone up. Ive been trying to catch them for months. How did you do it? Oh and dont explain what happendwiththeglitter.igotboomedlastweek,trustmeyoushouldtakeashowerassoonasyoucan.tomakeitworserenagadeputsdyeandglueintheresoitshardertowash.guxgcgjcugxjgsjgc" he starts to slip into speed talk. "Enough. I am going to change. When i get back we are sorting this out and having a talk.

I trail down the path to my quarters and sees black canary waiting for me. "Bruce. I know what your thinking. Its going to be
Artemis all over again. And i will fully support the kids if they want to, but here is the point Artemis wanted to change. These ones you plucked from somewhere with... glitter?." I nod as i listen to her explain how it will be hard and how i should handle the boys. Relate to them? Help them see there ways? Grow a connection with them? Im pretty sure im the one who has dealt with them  enough to deal with them... or atleast Renagade. But thats why i am including Barry.

"-remember kids are sensiti-" "Thank you Canary. I will take that in to confederation when dealing with them. If it will help you relax you can join us in the holding area." I state as i start to move back to the holding space.

By the looks of it Barry is in the cell with kid zoom waiting to talk to him. Inpatient. I send canary to sit with him, and get me as soon as the talking starts. I start to move closer to the med bay the smaller one is.

Renagade put up a good fight once i took down kid zoom. I even broke a sweat and lost some ground. Thats something even sone leaguers cant do, yet i shouldn't be surprised with who he grew up with. I finally made it to the room to see that he is still uncouncious. He really does loom small. I softly smile, 'he does look peaceful'.

For this to work only one of them needs to cross over because i know the other would follow. I could see it in there eyes as they try to do everything in there power to save one another. A good team based off of a healthy and promising realationship. Just by seeing how much they care for soneone in such a world shows you there potential.

I slowly move closer to the little brunette to move his bangs from his masked eyes but get interrupted by canaryes voice. "Kid zoom is awake... and youll really want to see whats happening here."

I quickly leave the room to locate barry and kid zoom, expecting to enter a room full of blood and swears im surprised with what i found. But a teary barry stearing into and older version of his nefew Wally west. A young glare was then placed on me once he realised i was in the room to.

"afternoon Wallace." I grunt in his direction. I move to stand next to barry allowing him to have the control in this conversation. "Bats." He glares in my direction. Im surprised anyone related to barry could even glarein a way. "Wa-wally" he turns to shush barry and turns back to me.

"What did u do." I have no idea What im doing with anything in my life. " bring you to a cell." He moves to stand up, trying and failing at being intimidating. "WHAT DID U DO, TO HIM." he raises his voice at me. Oh "Renagade is in medical care sl-" "!!!WHAT!!!" he slams his hands down to make a point but oh really makes a dent in our table.

He slowly starts to vibrate " HOW DARE YOU LAY A FINGER ON HIM! HOW DARE YOU. ILL KILL YOU AS SOON AS IM OUT FOR TOUCHING MY DICK!" he yells in vicious fury.

"...wh-what? Ive done no such...What?" I say dumbfounded. What is he talking about?

"MY DICK, YOU COULD OF KILLED ME BUT NO YOU TOUCH MY LITTLE DICK!" Ummmmmm "kid, wally. Please explain. I cant help if you dont talk to me." Barry tries to calm down i vibrating mess. He glares "is he ok? Gray... is he going to be ok." He sounds so fragile. "My-Richar-gray, please just tell me uncle barry. Please"

Dick is Renagade name isnt it. Richard or gray... Richard gray.... Richard graySssssssssson. I storm out the room. I hear a confused canary trying to catch up with me as i quickly glide into the med bay. Hes still sleeping. I quickly move forward and grab his mask. Usually i respect there privacy, respect the mask but i cant... NOT without confirming...

Richard Grayson. The little acrobat i watched lose everything.  He was so little. The little boy i wanted to adopt afterthat night. The little boy who went missing mere seconds after i let him go with the child services lady, the owl. The little boy i never stopped looking for. He was here, being put through hell. Onlynow do u how pale he has gotten, once a soft golden tan that showed hisworth now just a pale white sheet. His grown up face by only a few years yet you now see stress and anxiety show through his once loving eyes. How could i let this happen. I shouldnt of let him go that night.

I wont let him go again.

Richard. Ill be here for you. I watch as his eyes start to twitch as he slowly wakes up. The new goal is to save these boys. "Good afternoon Richard." I wave letting a bit of glitter float around my hand. He sits up not minding his head to much. With a small flinch he is up and ready to defend himself if needed. The slow realization that flicks through his eyes as he sees his mask in my hands. "Good evening to you to Batsy, or should i say Bruce now. You just had to play dirty and make it even well i was out ay?" He glares at me.

"If you listen to me ill take you to wallace west." He stands there for a few seconds but i know he couldn't refuse that offer. He slowly lowers his guard and nodes.

Wallys pov
Why did bats leave in such a rush? Where is dickie? Why am i stuck in a room with him, he looks like he saw a ghost.

I don't remember to much of the fight just feeling really light headed and weak. I really shouldnt have forgotten my bars. Then seeing dick in a bad place knowing i had to help i ended up infront and with my feet frozen to the ground causing my faint head to fall over. I couldn't do anything, dick needs to run. Use me as a distraction. I dont want him to get hurt more. Then i have to do nothing but feel myself slowly fall asleep as my best friend fights THE FUCKIN BATMAN and i cant help him. As my eyelids become Heavey i watch as dick falls to the ground and last minute, he chucked himself off the roof.

I know what he was doing. He likes cat and mouse, he likes the chase, the fight. Im sure that he was thinking he'd atleast make it difficult on bats. Doesnt change the fact i had  a heart attack watching. And before i could see if he was ok i passed out.

What happens if he did hit the ground.... if batman didnt go fast enough... i could have been fast enough. My dick cant be... nononononomononono
I look up to see batman lead a tierd looking dick through the door. Im pretty sure my heart just melted again. "Hug." I state as he walks over to me. ('Thank you')

I place him on my lap and we turn to face the heros. "So, what do you want?" we ask at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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