3 a friendship made

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Dick pov
Wally follows me out of the warehouse and into the cold dark afternoon quietly, wow time really went by fast I hope the joker was able to get everything he needed. I noticed Eobard standing off to the right and we male eye contact. I need wally over and he looks happy to see Thawne, he was about to say something when zoom spoke up first.

"Renegade, nice to see you again. It has been awhile since I've seen you." He gives me a smile which looks off on his face. " yes Thawne. I haven't seen you for 2 years. I have changed alot since then." I smile back, I see wallys face contract into confusion then fear as he watches the smile on the villians face. "Maybe I should find a job you can help me on again. I do need someone to check out all my files on other hero's. Maybe we can arrange something?" I politely smile.

Proffesor Zoom/Reverse flash aka Eobard Thawne, enemy of the flash. Based from the future/central city
Power Speedster.
Than and I can only work on casses which don't involve fighting since I can't keep up. Pays good!

"I would love to arrange something soon Mr Thawne. I'll be in contact with you soon to sort out times." He nods "good." Then he's gone. "Sigh not even a 'good bye' what a nice guy" I scoff I turn to wally and see his face in complete shock. I just smile and snap my fingers in front of his face. "YOURE FRIENDS WITH ZOOMY" he shouts I snort 'zommy' "yeah like I said we have worked together before. Get traught streak it's time for you to go home." I give him the most nicest smile I can muster and he smiles back ' he looks nice when he smiles '

He lets out a long sigh and goes for a highfive. " I really want to know how you made zoomy smile." He laughs " I'll put a raincheck on that story then." I chuckle back "I'll take you up on that offer Ren, it was really nice to meet you. I do hope to cash in that raincheck soon." "I hope so too" we stare into each others eyes as we stay shaking hands. I didn't realize how long we were like that until my comm went off asking for help. "Bye wally" I turn to run away "Bye Renny" I hear reply then I feel a strong wind agents my back signaling his disappearance.

I smile and feel a blush form on my checks. 'He was nice'

_______time skip brought to you by a pineapple who lived under the sea_____

After an hour fight with the bat I finally got away to mend to my wounds. A couple of bloody scratches and some scraps lodged into my side. "You seemed distracted Renegade. Fools who let there minds wonder wind up dead." The deep voice and chill in the room singled that slate finally showed up to lecture me. "I heard you ran into zoom and kid zoom." I hold back a smile as I think of Wally. Ever since I heard about zooms newest partner I knew that I was going to meet him but I wasn't prepared for what I met. I assumed him to have the same twisted smile as Thawne, the sick could mindset but the red head seemed soft, fun, kind? Wally. Wally? Wally! Who is Wallace West?

"Weak. Your still so weak. Pathetic. Disgusting! Answer me Renegade!" Slade slowly started moving closer as he raised his fist, my body freezes yet I force myself to relax so I won't seem so small. Slade Wilson, a mentor who sells me to clients who have enough money to benefit his needs. A mentor who trains me to kill someone with a grape. A killer. "I want a mission report on my desk by tomorrow. All the information you got on the joker, Batman, and your new little playmate. Don't fail me again." He breaths into my face. (At least he is wearing a mask hahaha corona people please wear masks) then he's gone and I'm left in the dark again.

Joker didn't really need me much I was only there for protection. The most information I saw was he has a new friend Punchline? Planing for a new joker gas which is suppose to melt nerves after a time period. I wasn't listening. Thawne's partner he had green eyes, flaming red hair that didn't looked brushed yet looked soft, a smile with a small gap in his front teeth, maybe punched in before? And those freckles, hiding behind a cowl yet shows like stars on his face.... Oh no I have it bad for gingers... Oh holly mother of a bitch I have it bad for kid zoom! Slade will KILL ME for this.

I'm pathetic. I don't even know him personally. I'm worthless. He will never like me. Im no one. I can't. I'm not going to last. I am disgusting. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't do this I can't I need to get out, I need to breath, I need to... to fly... I need to go outside. I am worthless I can't believe what a failure I am. Pathetic. Worthless. Failure. I need my knife. Tigers strips lined red please Icantdothisanymoreiampathaticpleasenowhyamistillalive. Pathetic. Gogogogogononononono.

_______ miya ha miya he miya haha_____

Being outside in the cold rain. Gotham isn't the cleanest place or nicest but it's now my home I must suck it up. I have no choice.... pathetic. The air is just a smog, the rain is acid and danger is practically a given the rain probably is poised acid from the latest villain.

I can't believe I have A crush on a guy I just meet. I wasted our first meeting by running to play with the bat.

I know I'm gay. I already have dealt with my fair share of gay drama trauma. I didn't think I was that alone I would attach the the first person who smiled at me. Weakness. I was trained as a weapon yet here I am thinking about boys. About him. Fuck. I should do something about it. Go see him in central, take a job for ice brains, pink unicorn, shark boy or even reverse himself, get away from the bat breath in fresh air. Do something. I'll leave tomorrow night I'll tell slade tomorrow morning. I'll leave... not for long.... I'm lost without him.... I can't leave. I'm, I'm, I'm so broken.

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