{4} One, to Three

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- Hey! This is an extra short added part to Three, to One. It's not a part of the story, but it's an alternative happy ending just for the lols
(I know Dream doesn't have his mask, he lost it a long time ago lol)

And I remade the cover!



The rain pelted mercilessly at the ground, cold, sharpened shards of ice stabbing into his skin.

The cave was dark.

Nothing moved, nothing stirred, nothing made a sound.

There was no light. Only the slithering snakes of shadows lurking around in the night.

He felt numb. He felt empty.

He felt dead.

The rain pelted his skin, washing away the smell.

George fell to his knees, threw his head back, and screamed.


A victorious laugh bubbled up his throat, erupting from his mouth, his lips curving into a wide grin that threatened to split his face.

"I WON!"

He threw his sore arms up high over his head, his fists punching the air. "YES!"

His cheers bellowed across the hills, ringing up through the mountains and echoing into the night.

The sound of slow clapping emitted from his left, his gleaming cerulean eyes brimming with joyous triumph resting on the approaching form of Sapnap. The boy looked healthy and rejuvenated, his skin flawless and glistening softly with its normal full color. His raven hair was silky and wild, his clothes void of tears and stains. "Yes, George. Great job." His tone was low with sarcasm, eyes lidded in morose.

George only beamed at the younger male, large grin unfaltering. "Do you know how hard it was to watch that?"

An amused smile curved the corner of Sapnap's lips. His arms crossed against his breathing chest. "I dunno, it was kinda hard to focus on anything with your damn high-pitched screams blowing our eardrums out."

George leapt to his feet, pulling back his arm in a threatening strike. His mouth twisted in a disgruntled frown. "Sapnap..."

The boy's grin widened, bright, shining, lively navy blue eyes gleaming with challenging flames. "Go ahead. Hit me, George."

Before he could even move, a warm hand grabbed his forearm, halting him in his tracks. George whipped his head around, his startled eyes meeting the smiling face of Dream. Like Sapnap, his skin was unblemished and glowing, his dirty blond hair soft and shining in the shrouded moonlight. His clothes were clear of crimson stains and frayed tears, his lime hoodie as vibrant as ever. His peridot-hazel eyes were glittering and blazing with warm, rejuvenated fire. "Relax, George. Sapnap's just mad because he lost our bet."

Sapnap scoffed, brow furrowing as his lip raised in a half-hearted snarl. "I thought for sure you wouldn't survive another night."

Dream's smile widened, morphing into a pleased grin, his eyes glinting. "Can't lose hope, Sapnap."

"Shut up, stupid."

George let out a laugh, a laugh of relief, ease, solace. It felt as if a heavy weight was lifted off his aching chest, shoulders losing their twisted tension, his blood flooding with warmth. "Man, what a challenge." He reached out, grabbing Sapnap's arm and pulling him toward himself, the boy giving an indignant grunt as he wrapped an arm around the back of his neck. He did the same with Dream, their heads hooked beneath his arms, pulling them in close to his sides as he leaned forward. Their bodies were so warm, so warm, sizzling against the bitter cold of his clammy skin. "It's been a long, suffering time. What're we doing next?"

Dream hummed on his right, his eyes drifting to the flaming horizon. The rain had stopped, the dark masses of clouds parting way to allow the vibrant blaze of sunrise to reign the skies. His warm breath brushed across his neck. "I don't know. We'll see once this is all over." The dirty blond put a hand to his chest, George noticing they were supporting his limp weight. He didn't care. He was content.

"I know what we're doing next," Sapnap grumbled, twisting in his hold. His nose was scrunched up in disgust. "Dumping you in the lake and leaving you for the zombies."

Despite himself, George laughed. Light and eased. "Feels good to have you back, Sapnap. You too, Dream."

Dream softly smiled, his eyes glimmering. "He's right, though. You fucking smell."

George closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. His chest felt light, his nose stinging from the rancid stench of decay coating his unclean body. He didn't care.

The smell was bitter-sweet, his mind too full of relief to mull over the repulsion. Whisking away in the breeze.

He liked it.


- That ending uh, uh...idc it's 3 am

Anyway, that's it for this! Have a great first day to the new year! (Or second, depending where ur at)

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