{2} A Folklore's Nightmare I

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- Hey! Back with another short story! I'm not gonna go into this much cuz idk what to say.

Why are read counts so wack on wattpad? If I knew before hand that the "view as reader" button counted as a read, I would have never pressed it. I've read this over so many times, once I published it, it was already over 100 reads and I was like wAt-
And every time you go to respond to a comment, it counts it as a read too wHaT-

Warning: includes a bit of violence and small indications of abuse



The sun was teasing.

Bright golden rays gently trickled down, warm light pervading upon the land and bathing it within a pool of beaming warmth and energy. It cascaded across the city and the writhing crowd nestled in the core, the menacing glints of sharpened metal flashing through the skies like lightning inside its radiating shower. The faces among the throng expressed nothing but abhorrence and spite, spittle flying from their soiled mouths as their throats tore raw with incoherent rancor threats and horrid crows for blood.

He couldn't stand looking at them. It was nauseating, revolting. He kept his head up, his veiled eyes searching the vast skies above beyond his blindfold, waiting patiently for that heavenly light to shine down upon him and take him soaring through that endless sea of sapphire.
Rather, the hot sun blazed and glared down at him, its heat sizzling across his skin and making his blood boil.

It was a shame the sun seemed to be rejoicing in his inevitable demise.

The metal chains bounding his wrists and ankles were heavy, digging into his skin and rubbing it raw. He could hardly breathe with the tight rope constricting his chest and throat, keeping him tethered to the pyre like some rabid animal waiting to be slaughtered.

A monster, they spat at him. A criminal, a demon.

He wasn't a monster. He wasn't a criminal, nor a demon. They just didn't understand.

Sauntering footsteps padded across the wooden platform, metal boots and chain armor clinking in a foreboding melody as his executioner approached. The man shoved the end of a torch he held into the blazing embellished cresset perched upon a wood post to the side, and he turned his head and silently watched blind as the tip burst to life with spiraling flames. The man turned, his frigid look of solid ice and spite seeping through his veil and sending cold shivers of contempt crawling down his spine.

"Any last words, monster?" he snarled venomously, glaring at him with impenitent enmity. He could feel the steady blaze of his rotten stare, the warmth of the flames eager to feast upon his body.

"You will regret burning me," he spoke softly, the undertone of malignity lurking beneath his voice remaining unheard.

"Whatever," the man spat, raising his arm. His heart was beating wildly in his chest, fluttering about like a humming bird within his rib cage. His blood was boiling, his chest burning with the sweltering sting of his raging, unnatural magic.

"You will now rot in Hell, demon."

The torch clattered beside his feet, the heat of the flames nipping at his toes and slithering up his ankles. The pain was excruciating, he could feel his own skin sizzling and blistering as it burned. He still kept his head up, expression a face of stone as he muttered an ultimatum of death under his breath. The same words his late father had spoken before he brought devastation to the Earth.

Eyes flashing a bright gold beneath his blindfold, a humorous sneer curved his lips as he allowed the ravaging flames to consume his body.


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