10 years later...

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10 years ago, Lucy was a birthday princess. Now she's one big giant joke. Her years in elementary school weren't that bad. She had plenty of good birthday parties and made plenty of friends. Parents at the school have learned about Lucy but her last name was an issue. Quinzel isn't the best name in history since it's the last name of the infamous Harley Quinn herself. Lucy didn't know that but plenty of parents did. They thought that she had some sort of connection with her and later in her elementary school life, friends began to leave her. Not only that but afraid and later bullied.

Lucy didn't want to carry that on in middle school so she decided to do homeschool. She didn't have to talk to anyone and none had to talk to her. Lucy did pursue dance and later gymnastics during this time. Many people didn't want to admit it but she was the best that there was. Delia on the other hand had been worrying recently around this time so she decided to put Lucy in Martial Arts. Lucy was definitely a fast learner but she later ended up quitting since it was sort of cutting into school.

Lucy is now beginning high school and is debating on going to Gotham Academy. The young teen was in her bedroom until there came a knock on her bedroom door. She sat up in bed and looked towards the door, "Come in." Delia walked and sat down next to her. "Luce.. you've been in your room all day, don't you wanna get out?" She asks. Lucy looked at her mom and shook her head, "There's nothing to do." Delia looked at Lucy, "Luce are you still thinking about going to Gotham Academy?"

Lucy nodded in response. "Lulu, I think it would be best if you did. I mean you may be new but it's a great opportunity to make new friends and find new hobbies. You've done homeschooling for three years, I think it's time for you to go back to regular school with regular kids." Her mom said. Lucy responded, "Then I'll go, I read about it and it seems like a nice school."

Delia smiled at Lucy. "That's great, I'll register tomorrow." Lucy smiled back, "Thanks Mom." Delia got up from the bed. It just hit her that Lucy was 14 now and still doesn't know the truth. She was at the door frame but stopped and turned to face Lucy.

"Actually Lucy, I need to tell you something." Lucy looked confused. "What is it?" The blonde asked with a concerned expression on her face. Delia came over to sit right next to her. "For years I've been keeping this from you, and I never knew when it would be the right time to tell you. Now that I realize you're growing up, I think it's time you should know."

Lucy shifts in her bed a little, looking dead at her mother. "What is this about? Is it about that guy you're seeing at the mall? Are you gonna tell me that you're pregnant or something because I always wanted a younger sibling?" She asked her. Delia shook her head and chuckled. "No, it's more complicated than that Luce. Let's just say that I'm not your real mother."

Lucy's eyes widened as she moved away from Delia a bit. "Wait, are you saying I'm kidnapped or-" Lucy was immediately cut off by Delia. "I wasn't done. I'm actually your Aunt, Lucy. Your mother is your Aunt Harleen. But if you didn't know, your Aunt Harleen is also Harley Quinn." Lucy looked away from Delia at that point. "I have a really good idea of who my father is so don't even bother finishing," Lucy said towards her. Delia looked at Lucy who was comforting herself and sighed, "It wasn't easy to keep this from you-"

Lucy cut her off this time, "You mean for tell me my whole life I have been lied to this entire time. Was I abandoned and out of your pity, you just decided to raise me? Please tell me the story before I lose my patience." Delia teared up a bit. "You weren't abandoned Luce. Your mother gave you to me for your protection. The Joker doesn't know you exist and she wanted to keep it that way by separating you two which also meant she had to give up her child. She didn't want to but she did. She tried coming to visit you every year but Joker was getting suspicious which is why you remember your 4th birthday very well."

Lucy looked at Delia. "Where is she now?" She asks. Delia shrugged. "I've never been able to get in contact with her. She's been awfully busy Luce and-" Lucy sighed. She got up from her bed and grabbed a jacket from her closet. "I need a moment to process this. We can continue this conversation later, Aunt Delia..." She sounded hurt when she said her mother who is apparently her aunt, name.

"Luce can we just-" Delia was cut off again. Lucy looked at her. "You aren't my mother, you can drop the act of it now." She finally said before leaving her room, walking to the apartment door. Delia immediately followed her but the door got slammed in her face. When Delia got the door open, Lucy was long gone. She sighed as she walked over to couch and bursted in tears. She didn't know what to do now. All she could do was pray that her niece would come back home safely...


**Authors Note** Happy New Years! I just hoped you all enjoyed this chapter as we will slowly get deeper into the story. Please leave suggestions if any in the comments and I'll try to get to them when I can.

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