Father Meets Daughter

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Breaking News...

"This is Vicki Vale, reporting live in Gotham Square. The whole city is covered in the Joker's infamous laughing gas. Our crew was lucky enough to be provided with gas masks before it hit us. The Joker has never gone this big before and now hospitals are being filled with citizens infected with the laughing gas. We have also learned that Harley Quinn is in critical condition after her own partner in crime shot her. We also uncovered that this crazy duo has a daughter and is no where to be seen after this insane incident. The future for Gotham is not clear right now. Let's hope our city's guardian angel will put the Joker behind bars for good. This is Vicki Vale... signing off."

Wayne Manor

The Batwing landed in the Batcave and Jon, Lucy, and Damian got off the Batwing. Lucy was walking towards the elevator without saying a word. Damian walked toward the Batcave computer, taking off his domino mask, groaning. "Damnit!" Jon placed a hand on his shoulder and Damian looked up at Jon. "You should talk to her." Jon suggested as they see the elevator Lucy got in rise upstairs. Damian sighed, "I think she rather be alone right now Jon."

"She may never come out of her room after today D. Her mother is in the hospital and we don't know if she'll even make it. Lucy's gone through a lot and she needs someone there to comfort her." Damian stared blankly for a moment and then nodded. "You're right, she has been through a lot which is why I should let her be for now. I'll talk to her eventually." Jon then said, "A lot of things could happen in a matter of minutes, I think it's best you talk to her... now." Damian sighed and called the elevator down. Once it arrived, he entered the elevator and brought him up stairs. He exited the elevator and headed up to Lucy's room.

Damian approached the door to Lucy's room and knocked on the door. "Quinn..." Lucy looked toward her door with tears streaming down her face, she was holding Spike close. She didn't say anything in response. Damian then tried to open the door but it was locked, "Lucy-" Lucy cut him off, "Go away Damian, I want to be alone." Damian sighed, "We both know that's not true." There was a few moments of silence before the sound of the door unlocking. Damian peaked in to her room and fully entered inside. The only light shining into Lucy's bedroom was the sun.

Damian looked toward Lucy who was cuddling with Spike on her bed. He sat on her bed and spoke, "Don't blame yourself for what happened." Lucy sniffled, "It's a bit too late for that." Damian grabbed her arms and sat her up, "The Joker is a maniac who will do anything to get his way. He has dangerous plans for you Lucy-" Lucy cut him off once more, "And? No one else has a price to pay which is perfectly  fine with me. All of those people would be okay, the hostages would be okay, my mom would be okay." She pulled her arms away and hugged her knees. Spike tried to come comfort her but he was pushed away by Lucy.

"There's something that you have taught me since your stay here. You don't let anything bring you down forever." Lucy shrugged, "Well things change Damian... today's different. My father may have just filled up multiple graveyards and honestly I don't think Gotham can recover from this. Neither will I even recover. If I lose my mother, I have no one else to go to. As I said earlier, soon all of the loneliness I have endured overtime will soon catch up to me, leading me to do the one thing I keep telling myself not to: be with my father. I still don't understand why your family is even letting me stay here."

"Because we care about you, Lucy. Barbara, Steph, and Cass all enjoy you being here. I think they're just glad to have another female in the house. Grayson enjoys watching your acrobatic skills. Drake loves helping you with studying. Todd likes talking shit about your father to you. Alfred thinks you are a well mannered young lady and father believes you have a lot of potential to become something better than your parents. And I enjoy everything about you Quinn. You may be annoying at some given times but you make life not seem completely meaningless."

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