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T/W: Suicide
3 weeks has passed and John has grown quite close to the Wayne Family and his sister. He admires her bravery, confidence, and all of the above. Lucy has quite the influence on him. These past couple of weeks have actually stressed Lucy out. She has heard nothing of her father and it worried her but for the sake of her brother, she put on a brave face. She didn't want to worry her little brother.

Lucy's up in her room reading a book. She heard a knock against the doorframe of her door. The blonde looks up from her book and sees Damian, leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets. He had a small smile on his face. Lucy smiled, "Come on in and join the party." Damian walks in further into the room sitting in her bed. He laid his head in the girls lap. Lucy puts the buck aside and looks down at him. "And what brings you into my domain?" She asks.

"Just wanted to check on you. You've seemed stressed out lately and I wanted to make sure that nothing is bothering you," He replied. Lucy played with his hair as she spoke, "Well I will tell you I'm not 100 percent okay. There hasn't been anything about my father in 3 weeks and I'm worried. My mom is worried too." Damian lets out a sigh, "Everything is fine. Gotham is in one piece for once. Your brother is happy." Lucy realizes everything that has been going right but there's always something that prevents her from seeing happiness.

"That's all great but I can't help but worry," said Lucy.  "There's been no reports of him anywhere. I think I might just go down to his funhouse and see for myself what's going on." Damian glared at her, "No you will not. You have a brother to look after." Lucy sighed, "Right... but I still want to go to the funhouse. You can just come with and watch from above:" Damian thought for a moment, "Well you aren't going to take no for an answer so I'm gonna say fine." Lucy smiled widely and kissed him on the lips. "Thank you."

Damian formed a small smile on his face, "This is a one time thing." Lucy shrugged, "I just need to know what's going on with him. I want to at least and try to rebuild this family even though it wasn't ever properly built." Damian nods in response. "DAMIAN! WE'RE WAITING ON YOU!" Tim shouts. Lucy's brow furrowed, "And where exactly are you headed off to, mister?" Damian sighed as he sat himself up. "Father, my brothers, and your brother are going out. Steph, Barbara, and Cass are staying here with you. "

A warm smile went across the blonde's face, "John will love that. Thank you for taking him out, I think it will be good for him. Now go have fun and remember that I love you." Damian caressed Lucy's cheek. smiling at the blonde in return. He gave her a quick peck on the lips, "I love you too. Also there will be a certain someone knocking at the door. Just be aware of that." Damian gets up from the bed and approaches the door. His footsteps were then heard going downstairs. Soon after, the sound of the front door closing.

Lucy placed her book on her nightstand and just sat there for a while. She was thinking what was going on through her father's mind before they had left the funhouse that night.

3 weeks earlier

The Joker was mumbling to himself. After his daughter and all left, he heard a voice. He stopped mumbling and turned around, "Who's there?" Then appears a figure of a man. "Who the hell are you?" The figure turns around to reveal the one and only... Jack Napier. The Joker's eyes widened. "Impossible... I got rid of you, YEARS AGO."

Jack smiled, "Well Joker, you haven't gotten rid of me completely. Now that the cure is taken place, we are moments away of saying goodbye to you for good." Joker chuckled, "For good? HAH! That's funny." Jack shook his head, "I'm not going near a vat of chemicals again." Joker grunted, "Hmph. What's your big plan once you're free huh?"

Jack could help but smile when giving his answer, "Fix your mistakes. Become a father to our daughter AND son . Find Harley. She's the best thing that's ever happened to us y'know. She cares about us and you threw her away like she meant nothing." Joker rolled his eyes, "Well boo hoo, grow up. She's alive isn't she? Your plan is awful by the way. Why care for the little brat anyway? All she has done was create problems for me." Jack lets out a small sigh. Arguing with the Joker wasn't gonna get him anywhere.

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