The draw

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Attention -on hiatus indefinitely

{Neji's POV }
The first thing I hear is that god awful ringtone that Lee put on my phone in an effort to be "funny".It's time to go back to that dreadful high school and make my family proud .I check my phone to see three text from Lee and 1 text from tenten.What could they possibly want this early ?

Lee: Neji my friend it's time to wake up !
Lee :The early bird is the one who catches the worm
Lee :if you do not answer this text in the next 5 minutes I will do 100 push-ups and 300 squats !!

God is he eccentric.

Neji: No need to do all of that ,I am awake.

After responding to ten tens text, I put my phone down and proceed to get ready for school .
I put my long dark brown hair in a low ponytail and add a tad bit of concealer to my under eyes.My ego  is not so frail as to believe that makeup belongs only to women .My clothes are simple and sophisticated as a Hyuga should look.A tan brown overcoat with matching slacks ,with a longsleeve button down white shirt .

 Once I finish getting ready I head down the stairs to the main kitchen to greet my Uncle Hiashi

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Once I finish getting ready I head down the stairs to the main kitchen to greet my Uncle Hiashi.My cousin Hinata has already sat down and shyly speaks ,"Good morning Neji "."I nod my head ,Good morning Hinata and Hiashi I hope you both had a fine sleep ",I say politely.My uncle simply grunts about a meeting that is to take place tonight and Hinata quietly moves away .

Once breakfast is finished I head out to my car .Just as all should be.The drive to school goes smoothly and I look out at this school .Konoha high is many things,but the word I would use to describe it is prestigious.Only children of families who have a high standing in society attend Konoha high school.
I look around till I hear a voice call out to me ,"NEJI MY FRIEND!".Oh god not this again .Lee walks up to me,practically bouncing from side to side in that disgusting green suit of his.How he is the son of the President of Turtle corps(A company that specializes in private security)baffles me .I use my most stern Hyuga voice to scold Lee,"Lee there's no need to rush to me I was about to walk in your direction anyway.I turn away and motion for him to follow inside .Today is important and no one shall mess it up for me .

As we make our way into First period I make sure to study my classroom.Senior year will be full of many challenges,so I might as well get to know my classmates for the next two semesters .There's Shikamaru,he's lazy but from what I've heard from friends he's Brilliant,like his father the DA.I turn my head to look over next to him ,there's Choji .All I know about him is that he chews those damn chips too much and that his father is the Vice President of a real estate agency .To the right of him is that girl Ino,she's just as loud as the bubble gum haired girl who's name is Sakura?Their parents both own prominent fashion companies .Nevertheless they both have a crush on the boy sulking in the back of my class .Sasuke Uchiha .He's the younger brother of Itachi,the CEO of Uchiha tech and Hyuga corps rival .

While both our companies started off on equal footing,Itachi has managed to acquire more tech companies to lessen his competion. From what I've seen the only companies left he wished to acquire is Hyuga corps for our advanced abilities in software and security services and Nine tails tech for their technology products such as smartphones .Ah that reminds me,the heir to Nine tails tech also attends school here .I twist my head until I find who I'm looking for ,there he is sitting in the back trying to get the attention of the Uchiha boy .

Naruto uuzamaki.

He's quite the loudmouth of the class,always interrupting the instructors and playing pranks on the students .It's not something you see everyday considering his parents are the head of a multi million dollar company that he's set to inherit .I take a good look at him,analyzing all his features.He has spiky blonde hair that you could compare to the color of a mustard jar and tantalizing blue eyes ,the shade of which I haven't been able to determine just yet .Suddenly he turns his head around and his eyes meet mine,well this is embarrassing.I quickly look away as the teacher enters the class .My classmates are the least of my priorities today I have more important things to do ,finally tonight is the night my life changes.

My uncle Hiashi has told me when I come of age I will finally learn our families secret pact .It was made 4 years ago and only my uncle and father have the knowledge of what it is .My 18th birthday passed last week and as promised ,I'll finally learn what I'm supposed to do .

As my thoughts were distracted I hardly noticed the bell had gone off until I felt someone poking at my side.I bit out, "touch me again and I'll take your arm"causing the perpetrator to stutter and shuffle back,"Sorry Neji excuse my actions please !I meant no harm.",it was Lee again.I dismissed his apology with a wave of my hand ,"There's no need to apologize,let's just get to our next class ".He really believes he must apologize for everything,that's just sad.
The school day goes by swiftly,in the past 7 hours I've almost fully lost my composure as a serious but clever genius as I've been too distracted by the prospect of tonight's meeting.Finally I will be brought into the fold of the Hyuga.

My father and my uncle Hiashi started their business corporation as partners together,even after my fathers passing my uncle considers me his son.To  stay true to my fathers wishes I have made sure to advance not only in school ,but to hopefully take the reins of Hyuga Corp.My cousin and also heir to the Hyuga Corp has not expressed any interest in running the family business .Her true passion lies in books and arts.It's truly an honorable career she wishes to take.I've always considered her my sister,so it is imperative she does what makes her happy.

As I pull up to the Hyuga mansion I feel a sense of confidence.Tonight will change my life .


AN:hope you like the first chapter :)

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