An uncomfortable alliance

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Neji woke up with a groan,checking his alarm he almost threw his phone out of the window,usually he would wake up and start on his duties but today was his first official date with Naruto.Neji sighed,staring up at the ceiling with glazed eyes,barely able to get enough sleep last night ,it's hard to sleep when all you can think about is your impending marriage.

His mind was running 100 miles a minute,there had to be a way for both of them to make this marriage look legitimate and loving while not getting too close with each other.Neji couldn't afford letting his walls down,he wasn't the type to let anyone into his life and into his inner thoughts,if he could just make sure that Naruto was as uncomfortable with this marriage as he was,surely they would both stay way from each other,besides any events that might have to include both of them in a relationship manner.With renewed confidence,Neji finally found the willpower to get up from his bed and start preparing for his date.

He took a quick shower,making sure to scrub his body with his favorite almond honey body wash,and it's matching shampoo and conditioner,he didn't know what he found so appealing from the scent but it calmed him down on even the harshest days.Quickly he started blow drying his long hair,making sure to brush his hair to get rid of any tangles that could stray.A anti frizz oil was also applied,the date was to take place at a nearby Japanese garden,it was thought to be the most neutral and appealing place for both parties.With his hair done,he had to decide on clothes,something warm since it's winter,but tasteful and casual for a first date.With that in mind he settled on a white turtleneck with a black blazer,and light tanned trousers with a belt.

When he was done with that he moved on to finishing touches of makeup,in addition to light concealer,he decided on mascara to bring out his pale lavender eyes

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When he was done with that he moved on to finishing touches of makeup,in addition to light concealer,he decided on mascara to bring out his pale lavender eyes.With that Neji was ready and headed downstairs to the parlor where Hiashi was waiting,he quickly said his greetings and started off,"Are we ready to leave?"Hiashi gave a curt nod before gesturing to the door,"Come Neji,we must not make a bad impression by being late".With this they headed outside,Neji gave thought to Naruto,I wonder how he's doing ?

Naruto on the other hand wasn't exactly what you call on time.He woke up after snoozing his alarm 3 times and still managed to sleep through his alarm still going off.Tired of pressing the snooze button Naruto just shut off his phone without even opening his eyes.He only awoke once he felt a pressure on his back,"Son it's time to wake up,Today's your date!!Aren't you excited?",Minato said with a cheerful larger than life laugh.Narutos eyes immediately shot up,ignoring his dad besides mumbling "Yea dad see you downstairs!".He was so damn stupid how could he forget,he slept like a log last night,he had been playing video games with sasuke all night,crap.

Naruto grumbled,"Stupid date,stupid marriage"while heading towards the shower,still he has to look good,if only to convince their family that they actually want this.Naruto used his favorite green apple body wash and it's matching shampoo and conditioner,greens his favorite color plus it smells nice,thought Naruto.

He ran a comb through his hair,but it didn't seem to want to be shaped into anything so he let it stay unruly,only adding mousse in an effort to look less frizzy.Naruto pondered his clothes,he can't look too good,but if he dresses how he usually does Neji's gonna kill me,god knows Hyugas like to dress like they attend Oxford.With that Naruto decided on a multicolored sweater,green pants and red shoes.Crazy enough that it matches my his personality but not too out of line.

With one last look in the mirror he approved of his look,grabbed his phone and headed downstairs to see his dad waiting at the door with a smile,"This is going to be amazing, what do you think Naruto ?"Naruto just put on his signature fake smile a...

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With one last look in the mirror he approved of his look,grabbed his phone and headed downstairs to see his dad waiting at the door with a smile,"This is going to be amazing, what do you think Naruto ?"Naruto just put on his signature fake smile and responded,"Yea!!I think we'll have a great time let's go !"

They arrived about five minutes late,pulling up to a beautiful Japanese garden,Naruto spotted Hiashis car and cursed to himself,damnit he really should have used his alarm.Minato hurriedly unbuckled his seatbelt and ushered Naruto out of the car and quickly spotted Neji and Hiashi waiting outside the entrance.For a split second Narutos heart sped up,Neji actually looked really good,for a second there he forgot why they were both here,until Neji and Hiashi spotted them and nodded.
Crap here we go.

An:Sorry I gotta leave you on a cliffhanger before the date but it's just my style :)

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