Cherry blossom

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Neji and Naruto stood still for a moment,both trying to gauge each other's emotions and Minato and Hiashi stayed back,conversing in business talk to give the two soon to be husbands a chance to spend time with each other.

Naruto awkwardly tried to break the tension,he and Neji were caught in this uncomfortable staring contest,the wind moving Neji's hair to the front of his face,urging Naruto to move it out of the way.Instead,Naruto scratched the back of his head and squinted his eyes,"Want to go to the bridge ?"Hopefully that would make this less awkward.

Neji curtly nodded,he wanted to be polite and professional,but also seem loving enough that Hiashi would be convinced they were going to have a good time."I would love that".Neji decided to be bold,if only to convince their parents that they wanted this ,he caught Naruto by surprise when he held out his forearm for Naruto to link his own in.Naruto could have died of shock right then and there,his eyes widened considerably,they didn't even like each other.

Neji seemed to notice his apprehension before whispering something so low he could barely hear over the whistling wind,"Don't worry this is all for show,just go with it."Naruto seemed to calm from his stupor looking at Neji with the kindest eyes he could easily fake before linking his arm with Neji.Neji did the same,looking at Naruto with the same fake amount of sweetness as they walked off together.

Minato and Hiashi looked ecstatic as they saw them walked away,they had so much hope for them,perhaps this arranged marriage would turn out for the best.

Neji and Naruto kept their arms linked as they walked toward the bridge ,a comfortable silence upon them both.They both had things they wanted to say and this was the first opportunity they've had to get it all out in the open.

They both had things they wanted to say and this was the first opportunity they've had to get it all out in the open

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Once at the bridge they unlinked their arms,both ignoring the loss in warm in the arms.They stood quietly for a moment admiring the view,it's tall trees standing between each side of the bridge ,imposing over the freezing water ,the tufts of moss, and miscellaneous plants blanketed by the soft snow that had fallen the night before.This was the perfect time to clear up their situation.

Neji took the silence of Naruto as a sign for him to start speaking,"I know we haven't known each other long,and we have no feelings towards each other in a romantic capacity-"Naruto snorted,"Well obviously,did you come to that conclusion all by yourself Sherlock?",Sarcasm dripping from his voice

Neji tried his best to not look so appalled and Naruto,he really had no manners at all did he?This was going to be his husband?,Neji grimaced internally.Shaking his head Neji continued,"As I was saying,since we don't like each other and yet are expected to marry I have a proposal that will hopefully benefit us both".

An:don't know when I'll update again this has been sitting in my drafts untouched for about over a week

This is on hiatus indefinitely sorry to disappoint

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